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Last active October 12, 2016 14:26
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// jail.Send() expects to find the current message id in `status.message_id`
// (if not found message id will not be injected, and operation will proceed)
var status = {
message_id: '42' // global message id, gets replaced in sendTransaction (or any other method)
var _status_catalog = {
commands: {},
responses: {}
var context = {};
function addContext(ns, key, value) { // this function is expected to be present, as status-go uses it to set context
if (!(ns in context)) {
context[ns] = {}
context[ns][key] = value;
function call(pathStr, paramsStr) {
var params = JSON.parse(paramsStr),
path = JSON.parse(pathStr),
fn, res;
// since we allow next request to proceed *immediately* after jail obtains message id
// we MUST know message id at this point and change the below call to context[message_id] = {}
// (or do some other dark magic, since we cannot just wipe out global context anymore - calls are not fully serialized now)
context = {};
fn = path.reduce(function(catalog, name) {
if (catalog && catalog[name]) {
return catalog[name];
}, _status_catalog);
if (!fn) {
return null;
// while fn wll be executed context will be populated
// by addContext calls from status-go
callResult = fn(params);
res = {
result: callResult,
// So, context could contain {eth_transactionSend: true}
// additionally, context gets `message_id` as well.
// You can scope returned context by returning context[message_id],
// however note that the next call will proceed immediately after message id
// is obtained i.e. you need to be careful if you use global message id (it
// works below, in test, it will not work in highly concurrent environment)
context: context[status.message_id]
return JSON.stringify(res);
function sendTransaction(params) {
var data = {
from: params.from,
value: web3.toWei(params.value, "ether")
// message_id allows you to distinguish between !send invocations
// (when you receive transaction queued event, message_id will be
// attached along the queued transaction id)
status.message_id = 'foobar';
// Blocking call, it will return when transaction is complete.
// While call is executing, status-go will call up the application,
// allowing it to validate and complete transaction
var hash = web3.eth.sendTransaction(data);
return {"transaction-hash": hash};
_status_catalog.commands['send'] = sendTransaction;
_status_catalog.commands['getBalance'] = function (params) {
var balance = web3.eth.getBalance(params.address);
balance = web3.fromWei(balance, "ether");
if (balance < 90) {
console.log("Unexpected balance (<90): ", balance)
// used in tx tests, to check that non-context, non-message-is requests work too
// so actual balance is not important
return {"balance": 42}
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