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farazmunj / vanilla_js_drag_drop.js
Created October 24, 2018 14:30
vanilla javascript drag and drop
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12"></div>
<div class="col-6">
<label class="text-info">{% trans %}Your chosen providers{% endtrans %}</label>
<ul class="list-group h-100 provider-drop-area" id="chosen">
{% for provider in chosenProviders %}
<li class="list-group-item active p-3 mb-2 provider-drop-box" draggable="true" data-id="{{ provider.Id }}">
<img class="rounded" id="provider_{{ provider.Id }}" title="{{ provider.Name }}" alt="{{ provider.Name }}" src="/assets/images/provider/{{ provider.Code|lower }}.png" draggable="false"/>
{% endfor %}
cypres / gpoint.php
Created February 23, 2011 14:20
PHP class to convert Latitude & Longitude coordinates into UTM & Lambert Conic Conformal Northing/Easting coordinates.
* PHP class to convert Latitude & Longitude coordinates into UTM & Lambert Conic Conformal Northing/Easting coordinates.
* This class encapsulates the methods for representing a geographic point on the earth in three different coordinate systema. Lat/Long, UTM and Lambert Conic Conformal.
* Code for datum and UTM conversion was converted from C++ code written by Chuck Gantz ([email protected]) from
* This code was converted into PHP by Brenor Brophy ([email protected]) and later refactored for PHP 5.3 by Hans Duedal ([email protected]).