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Created May 23, 2016 11:35
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import numpy as np
__author__ = 'Fariz Rahman'
def eq(x, y):
return x.lower().replace(" ", "") == y.lower().replace(" ", "")
def get_words(x):
x = x.replace(" ", " ")
words = x.split(" ")
if "" in words:
return words
def match(nb1, nb2):
l_1 = set(nb1[0])
l_2 = set(nb2[0])
n_l1 = len(l_1)
n_l2 = len(l_2)
if n_l1 + n_l2 == 0:
l_score = .5
n_l_intersect = n_l1 - len(l_1 - l_2)
l_score = float(n_l_intersect) / (n_l1 + n_l2)
r_1 = set(nb1[0])
r_2 = set(nb2[0])
n_r1 = len(r_1)
n_r2 = len(r_2)
if n_r1 + n_r2 == 0:
r_score = .5
n_r_intersect = n_r1 - len(r_1 - r_2)
r_score = float(n_r_intersect) / (n_r1 + n_r2)
return l_score + r_score
def get_neighbourhood(s, x):
left = []
right = []
n = len(s)
for i in range(n):
w = s[i]
if eq(w, x):
left += s[0 : i]
right += s[i + 1 : n]
return [left, right]
def get_transformation(q, a):
qw = get_words(q)
aw = get_words(a)
transform = []
for w1 in aw:
flag = False
for w2 in qw:
if eq(w1, w2):
flag = w2
if flag:
elem = ['neighbourhood', get_neighbourhood(qw, flag)]
elem = ['word', w1]
transform += [elem]
return transform
def get_all_neighbourhoods(s):
nbs = []
for w in s:
nbs += [get_neighbourhood(s, w)]
return nbs
def get_max_match(nb, nbs):
scores = []
for nbx in nbs:
scores += [match(nbx, nb)]
return np.argmax(scores)
def apply_transformation(q, transformation):
a = ""
q = get_words(q)
nbs = get_all_neighbourhoods(q)
for elem in transformation:
if elem[0] == 'word':
a += elem[1] + ' '
a += q[get_max_match(elem[1], nbs)] + ' '
return a[:-1]
Q = "please open the door"
A = "door : open"
t = get_transformation(Q, A)
Q2 = "close the window"
A2 = apply_transformation(Q2, t)
print A2
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viksit commented May 24, 2016

thanks! would you talk about the general concept of how you're trying to do this?

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