require 'HTTParty' |
require 'json' |
require 'crack' |
airport_code = 'syr' |
wait_time_values = ["No Wait", "1-10 minutes", "11-20 minutes", "21-30 minutes", "31+ minutes"] |
airports_resource = 'http://www.tsa.gov/data/apcp.xml' |
airport_checkpoint_resource = 'http://apps.tsa.dhs.gov/MyTSAWebService/GetWaitTimes.ashx' |
airport_name = airport_code |
SCHEDULER.every '60s', :first_in => 0 do |job| |
airport_checkpoint_waittimes = [] |
output = [] |
airports_resource_response = HTTParty.get(airports_resource) |
airports_resource_xml = Crack::XML.parse(airports_resource_response.body) |
airports_resource_json = Crack::JSON.parse(airports_resource_xml.to_json) |
airports_resource_json['airports']['airport'].each do |airport| |
if airport['shortcode'] == airport_code.upcase |
airport_name = airport['name'] |
# Stupidness in JSON convesion.. SHould always be array |
if !airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint'].kind_of?(Array) |
airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint'] = [airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint']] |
end |
# Airport Checkpoints |
airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint'].each do |checkpoint| |
# puts "Getting Checkpoints" |
# puts "Checkpoint Id: " + checkpoint['id'] |
# puts "Checkpoint Name: " + checkpoint['longname'] |
airport_checkpoint_resouce_response = HTTParty.get(airport_checkpoint_resource, { :query => { :ap => airport_code, :output => 'json'} }) |
airport_checkpoint_resouce_json = JSON.parse(airport_checkpoint_resouce_response.body) |
airport_checkpoint_resouce_json['WaitTimes'].each do |waittime| |
if waittime['CheckpointIndex'] == checkpoint['id'] |
# puts "Wait Time " + waittime['WaitTimeIndex'] + " minutes" |
# puts "Updated: " + waittime["Created_Datetime"] #9/2/2013 2:24:33 AM |
# |
checkpoint_last_updated_at = DateTime.strptime(waittime["Created_Datetime"], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %p') |
if checkpoint_last_updated_at.to_date == Date.today |
# puts waittime["Created_Datetime"] + " Is TODAY!" |
airport_checkpoint_waittimes << { |
:id => checkpoint["id"], |
:name => checkpoint["longname"], |
:wait_time => waittime['WaitTimeIndex'], |
:updated_at => checkpoint_last_updated_at |
} |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
# Create groups of checkpoints |
groups = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = [] } |
airport_checkpoint_waittimes.each {|checkpoint| groups[checkpoint[:id]] << checkpoint } |
# parse checkpoints into new hash |
groups.each do |group, data| |
data.sort_by!{ |c| c[:updated_at].to_s.to_i} |
if data.size > 1 |
if data[0][:wait_time] < data[1][:wait_time] |
time_status = "decraseing" |
elsif data[0][:wait_time] == data[1][:wait_time] |
time_status = "holding steady" |
else |
time_status = "increasing" |
end |
output << { |
:id => data[0][:id], |
:name => data[0][:name], |
:wait_time => wait_time_values[(data[0][:wait_time].to_i) - 1], |
:time_status => time_status, |
:update => data[0][:updated_at] |
} |
else |
output << { |
:id => data[0][:id], |
:name => data[0][:name], |
:wait_time => wait_time_values[(data[0][:wait_time].to_i) - 1], |
:time_status => nil, |
:update => data[0][:updated_at] |
} |
end |
end |
if output.empty? |
send_event('waittime', { |
title: airport_name, |
checkpoint: "No Wait times have been reported", |
waittime: "", |
status: "", |
info: data[0][:updated_at].strftime("Last TSA update: %m/%d/%Y at %I:%M%p") |
}) |
else |
output.cycle do |o| |
send_event('waittime', { |
title: airport_name, |
checkpoint: o[:name], |
waittime: o[:wait_time], |
status: "Wait time is " + o[:time_status], |
info: o[:update].strftime("Last TSA update: %m/%d/%Y at %I:%M%p") |
}) |
sleep(60/output.size) |
end |
end |
end |
in waittime.rb, Line 101, the data array is not in scope at this point, it's only in scope inside the groups.each do block. So, if output is empty, as it was on my first run, because airport_checkpoint_waittimes was empty (no wait times reported on the current day, small airport), then this code will blow up @L101. I do have a fix, but it includes some other changes which you may or may not want. I'll submit a PR (you can do that on gists right?) if I can.