TODO: what happens if you're not on a branch?
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
async awsFetch(creds, url, method , data, region, operation, content_type, accept) { | |
/* | |
creds: a Credentials contains SessionToken SecretAccessKey and AcccessKeyId | |
url: a URL | |
method: request method | |
data: request data | |
region: aws region | |
operation: aws operation (maybe execute-api?) | |
content_type: header |
#include <stdio.h> | |
void f() { | |
printf("Hello, world") ; | |
} | |
int main() { | |
f(); | |
} |
python -c "import yaml, sys, json; print(json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(" |
ip=... | |
#pubkey=... # default should suffice if you have the default key location | |
ssh $ip "bash -c 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh; chmod 0700 ~/.ssh; cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'" < ${pubkey:-~/.ssh/ |
# remove containers which have exited | |
docker ps -a | awk '/Exited[ ]\(/ {print $1}' | xargs docker rm | |
# remove images without tag nor repo | |
docker images | awk '/^<none>[[:space:]]*<none>/ {print $3}' | xargs docker rmi |
# find directories containing .git subdirs | |
find ~/ -type d -name '.git' -print0 | xargs -n 1 -0 dirname \ | |
| xargs -I % -n 1 bash -c 'cd "%" && pwd 1>&2; (git status --porcelain| grep -q . && [[ ! -n "`git diff`" ]] ) || echo %'\ | |
| xargs -I % bash -c '[[ -n "`cd %; git status --porcelain; git diff;`" ]] && echo %' \ | |
| tee /dev/stderr | sort > purportedly-empty-repos.txt | |
#That makes sure you don't have any uncommitted changes. But it still doesn't check to make sure you don't have unpushed commits. |
package main | |
import ( | |
"fmt" | |
"" | |
"" | |
"" | |
) | |
func main() { |
olddate='' | |
cmd='make r53' | |
while true; do newdate=`stat -f %m `; [[ "$olddate" == "$newdate" ]] || { olddate="$newdate"; $cmd; }; sleep 0.25; done |
aws route53 list-hosted-zones --query HostedZones[?Id!=null].Id --output text \ | |
| grep -v None \ | |
| xargs -n 1 -P 10 \ | |
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets \ | |
--query 'ResourceRecordSets[?AliasTarget!=null][AliasTarget.DNSName]' \ | |
--output text --hosted-zone-id | grep -F |