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Created July 19, 2011 17:39
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import commands
ips = ["","","","","",""]
def mapit(stuff):
rows = stuff[1].split("\n")
map = {}
for row in rows:
#get bucket id
vid = row[row.find("_")+1:row.find(":")]
vid = vid.replace(" ","")
vid = int(vid)
count = row[row.rfind(":")+1:]
count = count.replace(" ","")
map[vid] = int(count)
return map
cmd = "/opt/membase/bin/mbstats %s:11210 hash detail | grep :counted"
servers = {}
for ip in ips:
co = cmd % (ip)
print co
r = commands.getstatusoutput(co)
servers[ip] = mapit(r)
mismatch = []
for server in servers:
print server
map = servers[server]
for vb in map:
if vb in mismatch:
#loop through other
for others in servers:
othermap = servers[others]
if others != server:
if vb in othermap:
if othermap[vb] != map[vb]:
print "vbucket:",vb,server,map[vb],others,othermap[vb]," delta : " , abs(othermap[vb] - map[vb])
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