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Created July 25, 2024 12:20
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Example for passwords starting with 'TOEFL' word
from time import sleep
import zipfile
import string
import itertools
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
# Define the path to the zip file and character set for passwords
zip_file_path = '/content/'
last_password_file = '/content/last_password.txt'
characters = string.ascii_uppercase
# Perform parallel password brute-forcing with dynamic printing
def parallel_bruteforce(zip_file_path, lengths):
last_password = read_last_password(last_password_file)
chunk_size = 1000
print_update_interval = 5000 # Update the console every 5000 tries
try_count = 0
for length in lengths:
pwd_gen = generate_passwords(last_password, length)
while True:
chunk = list(itertools.islice(pwd_gen, chunk_size))
if not chunk:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
futures = {executor.submit(try_password, zip_file_path, pwd): pwd for pwd in chunk}
for future in as_completed(futures):
try_count += 1
password = future.result()
last_tried_password = futures[future] # Keep track of the last tried password
# Print the last tried password dynamically, but not too frequently
if try_count % print_update_interval == 0:
print(f"\rLast tried password: {last_tried_password}", end='', flush=True)
if password:
print(f"\rPassword found: {password} ") # Clear the line after found
return password
# Print the last tried password if not found
print(f"\rLast tried password: {last_tried_password} (completed)") # Clear the line
# Function to attempt to extract the zip file with a given password
def try_password(zip_file_path, password):
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path) as zf:
return password
return None
# Function to generate passwords
def generate_passwords(start_pwd, length):
num_suffix_chars = length - 5
if start_pwd and len(start_pwd) > 5:
suffix = start_pwd[5:]
suffix_length = len(suffix)
suffix = ''
suffix_length = 0
start_index = 0
if suffix:
# Compute the index if a suffix is provided
start_index = sum(characters.index(char) * (len(characters) ** (suffix_length - i - 1))
for i, char in enumerate(suffix))
except ValueError:
start_index = 0 # Reset if character not in list
# Generate passwords from calculated index
all_combinations = itertools.product(characters, repeat=num_suffix_chars)
for _ in range(start_index):
next(all_combinations, None) # Safely handle StopIteration
# Yield passwords with prefix 'TOEFL'
for pwd_suffix in all_combinations:
yield 'TOEFL' + ''.join(pwd_suffix)
# Read the last password attempted from a file
def read_last_password(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
# Write the last attempted password to a file
def write_last_password(file_path, password):
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
# Main execution block
if __name__ == '__main__':
lengths = range(8, 13) # Password lengths from 8 to 12
password_found = parallel_bruteforce(zip_file_path, lengths)
if password_found:
print(f"Password found: {password_found}")
print("Password not found")
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