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Last active March 12, 2020 07:52
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Quick check to see if Enterprise Edition features are being used on an instance
# ref
# script to locate Enterprise features that are in use
# might be something that forces an upgrade path
# might be worth running this in Dev and in CI pipeline to ensure no non-licensed features are incorporated into system development
$Server = "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2016"
$SMOServer = new-object ('Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.Smo.Server') $Server
$sql =
SELECT feature_name FROM sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features;
foreach ($DB in $SMOServer.databases | ? {$psitem.status -eq 'normal'}) {
$r = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $($SMOServer.Name) -Database $($ -Query $sql
if ($r) {
$t = $r.feature_name -join "; "
$t | select @{name = "Database"; expression = {$($}}, @{name="Enterprise features";expression={$t}}
expect output for databases that are using these features like:
Database Enterprise features
-------- -------------------
AdventureWorks2016 Compression; Partitioning; InMemoryOLTP
Example Compression
sqlnexus Compression; ColumnStoreIndex
tpcxbb_1gb Compression; ColumnStoreIndex
WideWorldImporters ColumnStoreIndex; InMemoryOLTP
XE_Import ColumnStoreIndex
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