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Two toddlers. Very little time for OSS after work hours. File a PR!

Carl-Erik Kopseng fatso83

Two toddlers. Very little time for OSS after work hours. File a PR!
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lsd / IdeaVim OS X Key Repeat.markdown
Last active January 8, 2025 09:18
Enable key-repeat for ALL applications or just for IdeaVim/specific JetBrains apps

Upgrading to Lion or Yosemite and WebStorm 9, I noticed key repeat was
turned off for the IdeaVim plugin h j k l keys.

System-wide key repeat

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false in a terminal will enable
key repeat for every app. This can alternatively be found in the accessibility settings in OS X' preferences.

App specific key repeat

oliveratgithub / Add Reminder to Wunderlist.scpt
Last active November 13, 2015 16:37
AppleScript to add a Text selection as a new Reminder to Wunderlist
on run {input, parameters}
-- This code comes from
-- To be used with an Automator Service
-- ------------------------------------------------
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "c" using {command down}
end tell
set inputText to the clipboard as Unicode text
staltz /
Last active March 13, 2025 12:33
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
juanje /
Last active November 30, 2023 19:29
Limit Chrome from eating all the memory and CPU

I was tired of Chrome eating all my laptop resources so I decided to put some limit to it with cgroup.

As I was using Ubuntu 12.04 with support for cgroup, I installed the package cgroup-bin and add the following group to the file /etc/cgconfig.conf:

group browsers {
    cpu {
#       Set the relative share of CPU resources equal to 25%
        cpu.shares = "256";
kongchen /
Last active January 3, 2023 09:29
set properties file value by key via bash shell
#script function
awk -v pat="^$1=" -v value="$1=$2" '{ if ($0 ~ pat) print value; else print $0; }' $3 > $3.tmp
mv $3.tmp $3
derwiki / javascript-for-vim-refactoring.js
Created May 29, 2013 15:08
Moving faster with Vim (5-minute lightning talk presentation). I wasn't inspired to learn effective command of Vim until I saw some people flying around faster than I thought was possible. The goal of this presentation is to call out how slow "normal" text editing is, and how many keystrokes can be reduced by using increasingly more terse Vim co…
$(function() {
// good opportunity to combine into a single statement
// qq w cw <esc> A, <esc> 0 j q
var a = 10;
var b = 20;
var c = 30;
var d = 40;
var e = 50;
// opportunity to simplify syntax
getify / ex1-prototype-style.js
Last active January 7, 2024 11:58
OLOO (objects linked to other objects) pattern explored (with comparison to the prototype style of the same code)
function Foo(who) { = who;
Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I am " +;
function Bar(who) {,"Bar:" + who);
dpo / mail2things.scpt
Last active December 13, 2015 20:08
An Automator workflow to add an email from to Things' Inbox. This is a modification of Create an Automator Service, start with "Get Selected Mail Messages", then "Run AppleScript" and paste the contents of this gist as script. Subsequently, you can process the list of new todo items. I lik…
on run {input, parameters}
set todoList to {}
repeat with theMessage in input
-- Grab message info.
tell application "Mail"
-- Remove apostrophes from Subject as they wreak havoc.
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"'"}
tony4d /
Created August 24, 2012 19:00
Setup p4merge as a visual diff and merge tool for git