TL;DR: for some weird reason zfs was not being loaded in grub, maybe related to this bug?
ATTENTION: I copy pasted some things from my memory so, some things may be mistyped or wrong, proceed with caution or leave a comment
insmod zfs
zfs-bootfs (hd1,gpt3) # or whatever is your structure
for me it was:
(hd1,gpt1) # boot fat filesystem for efi
(hd1,gpt2) # swap
(hd1,gpt3) # zfs boot pool (bpool) with linux kernel (vmlinuz) and initial ramdisk (initrd)
(hd1,gpt4) # zfs root pool (rpool) with ubuntu
And remember to zfs import -f
in your pools if you tried to recover them using a live CD
Ok I manage to fix my mess, now the hard part is documenting, here we go...
I was doing a backup of my pools (rpool and bpool) in my ZFS root
I used chatgpt to get the zfs send|receive commands (bad idea I know 🤣) so far it was good, But what chatgpt didn't know about was unexpected bugs and OMG I got a big one 🐛
It happens to be that in a grub version 2.06 is not compatible with booting from ZFS and having snapshots at same time
I followed chatgpt guidelines to get my backup of bpool and rpool and for that I had to do a snapshot.
Then I rebooted just in case, to see if my chatgpt guide was ok because I was afraid something may have broken my host setup,
since I executed grub-install
inside chroot to have a working backup:
And to my suprise after reboot, I got something like this:
I forgot to take pictures so I just got a similar from internet 😅
but is very similar just pointing to bpool and not finding the kernel:
Loading Linux 6.5.0-41-generic ...
error: file '/BOOT/ubuntu_0yfxim/vmlinuz-6.5.0-41-generic' not found
Loading initial ramdisk ...
error: you need to load the kernel first
After hours of troubleshooting I manage to boot:
Fixing it completely requires further investigation on why zfs module is not being loaded in grub
grub> ls
grub> ls (hd1,gpt4)
unknown filesystem
grub> insmod zfs
grub> zfs-bootfs (hd1,gpt3) # or whatever is your boot
grub> set root=(hd1,gpt4)
grub> ls (hd1,gpt3)/
@/ /BOOT
grub> ls (hd1,gpt3)/BOOT
grub> linux /BOOT/ubuntu_0ynawf/@/vmlinuz root=ZFS=rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_0ynawf boot=zfs
grub> initrd /BOOT/ubuntu_0ynawf/@/initrd.img
And after boot I got in systemd emergency mode because I imported the pools in a live CD to try fix grub unsuccessfully
To fix it you need to force import them and CTRL+D to continue boot:
(initramfs) zfs import -f bpool
(initramfs) zfs import -f rpool
(initramfs) # zfs import -f <any other pool you may have>
(initramfs) # CTRL+D to continue boot
And done! for now my server is back online and have at least a guide on how to bring it back up in case my UPS battery goes bananas.
For the future I'll probably clean install ubuntu lts or debian.
Edit: I fixed it! ✨🥳🙌
Using a live CD I recreated the bpool following this OpenZFS guide
following this other OpenZFS guide- Once you are inside
proceed to create a copy of bootcp -v /boot /home/user/boot
- Exit
and unmount pools - Destroy and recreate the
zpool destroy bpool
DISK=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_disk1 # changes according to your disk model
zpool create \
-o ashift=12 \
-o autotrim=on \
-o cachefile=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache \
-o compatibility=grub2 \
-o feature@livelist=enabled \
-o feature@zpool_checkpoint=enabled \
-O devices=off \
-O acltype=posixacl -O xattr=sa \
-O compression=lz4 \
-O normalization=formD \
-O relatime=on \
-O canmount=off -O mountpoint=/boot -R /mnt \
bpool ${DISK}-part3
zfs create -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none bpool/BOOT
zfs create -o mountpoint=/boot bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_0ynawf
Once recreated follow the same step 1 to get in chroot
again and copy back the data cp -v /home/user/boot/* /boot
And remember to create the folders /boot/efi
and /boot/grub
and always using the same ZFS UUID mine was 0ynawf
After this I finnally can reboot again without issues, if your boot gets in emergency mode just zfs import -f
your pool back in
Some references that help me:
- openzfs/zfs#13873
- openzfs/zfs#15261