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Created September 27, 2018 22:24
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create a clojure-data-structure representation of a pdf document (from pdfbox) just for visibility into the pdf's structure
(with-open [pdf-document (PDDocument/load ( THE-FILE))]
(let [doc (.getDocument pdf-document)
getobj (fn [^COSObject x]
[:pdf.type/object (.getObjectNumber x) (.getGenerationNumber x)])
visit (fn [^COSBase x ^ICOSVisitor vis]
(if (.isDirect x)
(if (instance? COSObject x)
(getobj x)
(.accept x vis))
(instance? COSObject x)
[:pdf.type/indirect (getobj x)]
(instance? COSBoolean x)
(instance? COSNumber x)
(instance? COSName x)
(instance? COSNull x))
(.accept x vis)
;; GetKey will never work because of identity
(.accept x vis)])))]
(.accept doc
(visitFromArray [vis x]
[:pdf.type/array (mapv #(visit % vis) (iterator-seq (.iterator x)))])
(visitFromBoolean [vis x] (.getValue x))
(visitFromDictionary [vis x]
(into {}
(map #(do [(visit (key %) vis) (visit (val %) vis)]))
(.entrySet x)))
(visitFromDocument [vis x]
(.accept (.getDocumentID x) vis)
(into []
(map #(do [(getobj %)
(.accept (.getObject %) vis)]))
(.getObjects x))])
(visitFromFloat [vis x] (.doubleValue x))
(visitFromInt [vis x] (.longValue x))
(visitFromName [vis x] (keyword "" (.getName x)))
(visitFromNull [vis x] nil)
(visitFromStream [vis x] [:pdf.type/stream (.getLength x) #_(subs (.toTextString x) 0 100)])
(visitFromString [vis x] [:pdf.type/string (.getString x)])))
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