Quantopian provides a 11-year history of US equity market data in minute and daily bars. The US market data provides a backbone for financial analysis, but some of the most promising areas of research are finding signals in non-market data. Fetcher provides your algorithm with access to external time series data. Any time series that can be retrieved as a csv file via http or https can be incorporated into a Quantopian algorithm.
Fetcher lets you load csv files over http. To use it, invoke fetch_csv(url) in your initialize method. fetch_csv will retrieve the text of the csv file using the (wonderful) requests module. The csv is parsed into a pandas dataframe using pandas.io.parsers.read_csv. You may then specify your own methods to modify the entire dataframe prior to the start of the simulation. During simulation, the rows of the csv/dataframe are streamed to your algorithm's handle_data method as additional properties of the data parameter.
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