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Last active March 6, 2024 11:56
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Install system dependencies

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libtool libssl-dev

Download source dependencies

mkdir -p ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit
cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

git clone

Compile & install dependencies into /opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/lib/pkgconfig

cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/libplist
./ --prefix=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit && make && sudo make install

cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/libimobiledevice-glue
./ --prefix=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit && make && sudo make install

cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/libusbmuxd
./ --prefix=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit && make && sudo make install

cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/libimobiledevice
./ --prefix=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit && make && sudo make install

cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/usbmuxd
./ --prefix=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit && make && sudo make install

cd ~/Downloads/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/ios-webkit-debug-proxy
./ --prefix=/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit

Test that iOS devices are recognised

Plug in an iPhone, it should appear in Pop OS desktop.

Download & configure ios-safari-remote-debug-kit

cd $HOME/repo/

git clone

Read the docs - set up iPhone

Then, probably:

cd ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/src/

# when promted for iOS version I chose 16.4 (phone has 16.7)

Modify ~/.bashrc

Add these lines:

alias ,iosdebug='$HOME/repo/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/src/'
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/bin

Run debugger


It should show a URL. Open it with chromium.

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