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Created November 26, 2012 20:26
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package com.fayi.ftp
object CSVParser {
val ADDRESS = ""
val ADDRESS2 = ""
//val ADDRESS2 = "ftp://username:[email protected]/README"
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//val remotecontents = io.Source.fromURL(ADDRESS2).getLines.toList
val localContents1 = io.Source.fromFile("file1.csv").getLines.toList
val localContents2 = io.Source.fromFile("file2.csv").getLines.toList
val headers1 = localContents1.head.split(", +").toList
val headers2 = localContents2.head.split(", +").toList
val rows1 = localContents1.drop(1).map(x => x.split(", +").toList)
val rows2 = localContents2.drop(1).map(x => x.split(", +").toList)
//val map = headers1.zipWithIndex.toMap.mapValues(n =>
//val map = headers1 zip rows1.transpose
val map =
//class Report(var name: String, var date: String)
id fname lname dob city
1 fayi femi 03071993 London
2 buyi femi 01061995 London
3 wene etitinwo 15011993 London
4 toyi femi 30051998 London
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