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Last active December 4, 2020 23:50
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Advent Of Code 2020

The --- separator is not squeak syntax, but is presented to distinguish IDE("Browser") code from REPL content ("Workspace").

| expenses pairs entry |
expenses := 'input.txt' asFile contents lines collect:#asNumber.
pairs := (expenses collect:[:m |
expenses collect:[:n |
expenses collect:[:o | {m . n . o}]]]) concatenation concatenation.
entry := pairs at: (pairs findFirst:[:p | p first + p second + p third == 2020 ]).
entry first * entry second * entry third.
SequenceableCollection>>at: index do: block
^self at: index put: (block value:(self at: index)).
| passwords |
passwords := '/Users/fbanados/aoc/input.txt' asFile contents lines collect:
[:line | ((line splitBy:'-') collect:[:a | a splitBy:' ']) flattened].
passwords do:
[:p |
p at:1 do:#asNumber;
at:2 do:#asNumber;
at:3 do:#allButLast;
at:4 do:[:x | (x splitBy:(p at:3)) size - 1 ]];
count: [:p | (p first <= p fourth) and:[p fourth <= p second]]
SequenceableCollection>>at: index do: block
^self at: index put: (block value:(self at: index))
| passwords |
passwords := '/Users/fbanados/aoc/input.txt' asFile contents lines collect:
[:line | ((line splitBy:'-') collect:[:a | a splitBy:' ']) flattened].
passwords do:
[:p |
p at:1 do:#asNumber;
at:2 do:#asNumber;
at:3 do:#allButLast;
at:3 do:#asCharacter;
at:4 do:[:x | (x at:(p first)) = (p third) xor: (x at:(p second)) = (p third)]];
count: #fourth.
| map next_h total |
map := '/Users/fbanados/aoc/input.txt' asFile contents lines allButFirst collect:
[:line | line asArray collect:[:a | a = $#]].
next_h := [:h | ((h + 3) \\ (map first size)) + 1].
total := 0
(map inject: 1 into: [:index :row | |k|
k :=next_h value: index - 1.
(row at: k) ifTrue:[total := total + 1].
Object subclass: #Puzzle3
instanceVariableNames: 'map'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'AOC'.
Puzzle3>>fromFile: filename
map := filename asFile contents lines allButFirst collect:
[:line | line asArray collect:[:a | a = $#]].
^ self.
Puzzle3>>next_h: h skip: k
^ ((h + k - 1) \\ (map first size)) + 1.
Puzzle3>>right: right down: down
| total src rows k |
src := ReadStream on: map.
total := 0.
k := 1.
[src atEnd] whileFalse: [
src skip: down - 1.
k := self next_h: k skip: right.
(src next at: k) ifTrue:[total := total + 1]
^ total.
^ ({{1 . 1} . {3 . 1} . {5 . 1} . {7 . 1} . {1 . 2}}
collect: [:slope |
self right: slope first down: slope second])
inject: 1 into:#*.
Puzzle3 new fromFile:'/Users/fbanados/aoc/input.txt';
Object subclass: #Puzzle4
instanceVariableNames: 'batch allFields requiredFields'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'AOC'.
Puzzle4>>fromFile: filename
|current str|
current := WriteStream on:''.
batch := WriteStream on: Array new.
str := (ReadStream on: (filename asFile contents lines)).
[str atEnd] whileFalse:
line := str next.
line isEmpty ifTrue:[batch nextPut: current contents asString. current:= WriteStream on:'']
ifFalse:[current << (line,' ')]].
batch nextPut: current contents asString.
batch := batch contents collect:[:a | self toDictionary: a].
^ self.
Puzzle4>>toDictionary: passport
^ Dictionary newFromPairs:(((passport findTokens:' ') collect:[:p | p findTokens:':'])) concatenation.
requiredFields ifNil:
[ requiredFields:= Dictionary newFromPairs:
{'byr' .'(19[2-9][0-9]|200[0-2])' asRegex .
'iyr' . '20(1[0-9]|20)' asRegex .
'eyr' . '20(30|(2[0-9]))' asRegex.
'hgt' . '(1(([5-8][0-9])|(9[0-3]))cm)|(59|6[0-9]|7[0-6])in' asRegex.
'hcl' . '#[0-9a-f]{6}' asRegex.
'ecl' . 'amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth' asRegex.
'pid' . '[0-9]{9}' asRegex }. "cid can be omitted" ].
^ requiredFields.
allFields ifNil:[allFields := self requiredFields copy. allFields add:'cid' -> '.*' asRegex].
^ allFields.
Puzzle4>>isValid: passport
^ ((self requiredFields keys
collect:[:key | passport includesKey:key])
inject: true into:#and:)
and: [(passport keys collect:[:key| (self allFields at:key) matches: (passport at:key)])
inject: true into:#and:].
^ batch count:[:k | self isValid: k].
Puzzle4 new fromFile:'/Users/fbanados/aoc/input.txt';
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