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Created March 9, 2016 12:34
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# from
# send using this command:
# gcom -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -v -e -s sendsms.comgt
# Ensure you fill in your phone number below or it wont send!
# set the terminal settings
set com 115200n81
# echo commands
set comecho on
# use a tiny delay between each keypress
set senddelay 0.02
# wait for things to be silent on the serial port
waitquiet 1 0.2
# reset things a bit
flash 0.1
# set it to textmode
send "AT+CMGF=1^m"
# wait for OK
waitfor 1 "OK"
# tell it we want to send a SMS and to what number
send "AT+CMGS=\"003538XXXXXXXX\"^m"
# the modem will present a > and wait for you to input your message
waitfor 1 ">"
send $env("SMS_MSG")
# and expect you to end your message with ^Z
send "^Z"
# wait for it to send
waitfor 5 "OK"
exit 0
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