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Forked from baskayj/
Created August 24, 2024 15:34
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FracND: N-dimensional, parallelized sliding window fractal dimension and lacunarity calculator
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from multiprocessing import Pool
from scipy.stats import t
from tqdm import tqdm
class FracND:
class Worker:
def __call__(self, window):
window = window.squeeze()
# Transform window to binary
binary_window = np.where(window > 0, 1, 0)
# Calculate whether the window is empty
touched = 1 - np.all(binary_window == 0).astype(int)
# Calculate the mass within the window
mass = np.sum(window).astype(float)
return touched, mass
def __init__(self, max_box_size = None, min_box_size = 1, stride = 1, n_samples = 20, subsample = None, multiprocess = True, **kwargs):
self.max_box_size = max_box_size
self.min_box_size = min_box_size
self.stride = stride
if self.stride is None:
print("Setting the step size to None will result in using normal box counting instead of sliding window box counting.")
self.n_samples = n_samples
self.subsample = subsample
if subsample is not None:
print("Subsampling is enabled. This will result in decreased accuracy.")
self.multiprocess = multiprocess
if not multiprocess:
print("Multiprocessing is disabled. This will result in drastically slower calculations.")
self.kwargs = kwargs
if 'histogram' in self.kwargs:
self.histogram = self.kwargs['histogram']
if 'bins' in self.kwargs:
self.bins = self.kwargs['bins']
self.bins = 'auto'
self.histogram = False
def sliding_window_statistics(self, input_array, window_size, step_size):
# Get the shape of the input array
shape = input_array.shape
# Calculate the number of windows in each dimension
window_counts = [int((shape[i] - window_size) / step_size) + 1 for i in range(len(shape))]
box_window_counts = [int((shape[i] - window_size) / window_size) + 1 for i in range(len(shape))]
# Calculate the normalization factor
if self.subsample is None:
norm =
# TODO: This is not a good approximation, look for a better one!
norm =*self.subsample)
# Declare the helper function to calculate the statistics for a single window
window_func = self.Worker()
# Create a pool of workers
if self.multiprocess:
pool = Pool()
# Iterate over the windows
res = []
for index in np.ndindex(*window_counts):
# Optional subsampling
# Note, this will result in decreased accuracy
if self.subsample is not None:
smpl = np.random.binomial(1, self.subsample)
# If the sample is 0, skip this window, speeding up the calculation
if smpl == 0:
# Calculate the start and end indices of the window in each dimension
start = [i * step_size for i in index]
end = [i + window_size for i in start]
# Extract the window from the input array
window = input_array[tuple(map(slice, start, end))]
# Apply the window function to the window and store the result
if self.multiprocess:
res.append(pool.apply_async(window_func, (window,)))
# Close the pool and wait for all tasks to complete
if self.multiprocess:
# Get the results from the pool
results = [r.get() for r in res]
# split the results into touched, mass and lacunarity
touched, mass = zip(*results)
# Calculate the N from touched
N = np.sum(touched)
N = int(N * norm)
mass = np.array(mass)
mass /= np.sum(touched)
if self.histogram:
p,bins = np.histogram(mass, bins = self.bins, density=False)
bin_centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
bin_centers = bin_centers[p != 0]
p = p[p != 0]
p = p.astype(float)
p /= np.sum(p)
# If histogram is not enabled, use the unique values of mass as the bins
bin_centers, p = np.unique(mass, return_counts=True)
bin_centers = bin_centers[p != 0]
p = p[p != 0]
p = p.astype(float)
p /= np.sum(p)
mean = np.sum(p*bin_centers)
var = np.sum(p*(bin_centers - mean)**2)
lacunarity = var/mean**2 + 1
return N, lacunarity
def linear_fit(self, scales, vals, invert_scales = True):
scales = np.array([np.min(scales[vals == v]) for v in np.unique(vals)])
vals = np.unique(vals)
vals = vals[vals > 0]
scales = scales[:len(vals)]
if invert_scales:
scales = 1/scales
popt, pcov = np.polyfit(np.log(scales), np.log(vals), 1, cov=True)
return popt, pcov
def __call__(self,input_array):
# TODO: Normalize the input array to [0,1] if it is not already
# Check that the input array is empty
if np.all(input_array == 0):
raise ValueError("The input array is empty. Please provide a non-empty array.")
# Determine the scales to measure on
if self.max_box_size is None:
# Default max size is the largest power of 2 that fits in the smallest dimension of the array:
self.max_box_size = int(np.floor(np.log2(np.min(input_array.shape))))
self.scales = np.floor(np.logspace(self.max_box_size, self.min_box_size, num=self.n_samples, base=2))
self.scales = np.unique(self.scales) # Remove duplicates that could occur as a result of the floor
# Count the number of boxes touched
self.Ns = []
self.lacunarity_spectrum = []
# Loop over all scales
for scale in tqdm(self.scales):
if self.stride is None:
# Revert to box counting if stride is not specified
step_size = int(scale)
step_size = int(self.stride)
N, lacunarity = self.sliding_window_statistics(input_array, int(scale), step_size)
self.Ns = np.array(self.Ns)
self.lacunarity_spectrum = np.array(self.lacunarity_spectrum)
# Fit the FD
self.popt, self.pcov = self.linear_fit(self.scales, self.Ns)
self.FD = self.popt[0]
# Fit the lacunarity spectrum
self.ls_popt, self.ls_pcov = self.linear_fit(self.scales, self.lacunarity_spectrum)
self.LD = self.ls_popt[0]
def lacunarity_statistics(self):
return np.min(self.lacunarity_spectrum), np.max(self.lacunarity_spectrum), np.mean(self.lacunarity_spectrum), np.std(self.lacunarity_spectrum)
def plot_FD(self, ci=95, show_plot = True, filename=None):
scales = np.array([np.min(self.scales[self.Ns == x]) for x in np.unique(self.Ns)])
Ns = np.unique(self.Ns)
#Ns = Ns[Ns > 0]
#scales = scales[:len(Ns)]
# Calculate the confidence intervals
slope_err, intercept_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.pcov))
alpha = 1 - ci / 100
t_value = t.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, df=len(scales) - 2)
slope_err *= t_value
intercept_err *= t_value
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,6))
sns.regplot(x=np.log(1/scales), y=np.log(Ns), ci=ci,
line_kws={'color': 'black', 'linestyle': '--', 'label': "y={0:.3f}±{1:.3f}x+{2:.3f}±{3:.3f}".format(self.popt[0], slope_err, self.popt[1], intercept_err)},
scatter_kws={'color': 'teal', 'label': 'Measured ratios'},
ax.scatter(np.log(1/scales), np.log(Ns), c = "teal", label = "Measured ratios")
ax.set_ylabel("$\log N(\epsilon)$")
ax.set_xlabel("$\log 1/ \epsilon$")
if show_plot:
if filename is not None:
if show_plot == False and filename is None:
def plot_lacunarity(self, ci = 95, show_plot = True, filename=None):
scales = np.array([np.min(self.scales[self.lacunarity_spectrum == x]) for x in np.unique(self.lacunarity_spectrum)])
lacunarity_spectrum = np.unique(self.lacunarity_spectrum)
lacunarity_spectrum = lacunarity_spectrum[lacunarity_spectrum > 0]
scales = scales[:len(lacunarity_spectrum)]
# Calculate the confidence intervals
slope_err, intercept_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.pcov))
alpha = 1 - ci / 100
t_value = t.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, df=len(scales) - 2)
slope_err *= t_value
intercept_err *= t_value
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,6))
sns.regplot(x=np.log(scales), y=np.log(lacunarity_spectrum), ci=ci,
line_kws={'color': 'black', 'linestyle': '--', 'label': "y={0:.3f}±{1:.3f}x+{2:.3f}±{3:.3f}".format(self.ls_popt[0], slope_err, self.ls_popt[1], intercept_err)},
scatter_kws={'color': 'teal', 'label': 'Measured ratios'},
ax.scatter(np.log(scales), np.log(lacunarity_spectrum), c = "teal", label = "Lacunarity")
ax.set_ylabel("$\log \lambda(\epsilon)$")
ax.set_xlabel("$\log \epsilon$")
if show_plot:
if filename is not None:
if show_plot == False and filename is None:
def greyscale_to_binary(array, levels = 255):
Converts a greyscale image to a binary image by adding a new dimension to the array
:param array:
:param levels:
array = (array - np.min(array)) / (np.max(array) - np.min(array))
array = (array * levels).astype(int)
array_shape = array.shape
max_pixel_value = np.max(array)
# Calculate the new shape for the binary array
binary_shape = array_shape + (max_pixel_value + 1,)
# Create a binary array with the new shape
binary_array = np.zeros(binary_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
# Set the corresponding element to 1 based on the pixel value in the original image
indices = np.indices(array_shape)
indices_flat = indices.reshape(len(array_shape), -1)
pixel_values = array[tuple(indices_flat)]
binary_indices = tuple(np.concatenate((indices_flat, pixel_values[np.newaxis]), axis=0))
binary_array[binary_indices] = 1
return binary_array
def crop_segmentation(array, return_indices = False):
Crop a segmentation to the smallest possible size.
:param array:
:param return_indices:
# Get the indices of non-zero elements
nonzero = np.nonzero(array)
# Get the minimum and maximum indices in each dimension
minima = np.min(nonzero, axis=1)
maxima = np.max(nonzero, axis=1) + 1 # We add 1 because Python slices are exclusive at the top
cropped_array = array[minima[0]:maxima[0], minima[1]:maxima[1], minima[2]:maxima[2]]
if return_indices:
return cropped_array, minima, maxima
return cropped_array
def crop_image(array, minima, maxima):
Crop an image to the specified minima and maxima obtained from crop_segmentation
:param array:
:param minima:
:param maxima:
cropped_array = array[minima[0]:maxima[0], minima[1]:maxima[1], minima[2]:maxima[2]]
return cropped_array
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