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Last active August 27, 2017 17:04
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Save fdecampredon/f337605e393a5b032b85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import React from 'react';
import { container } from 'redux-relay';
variablesFromState: (state) => ({myVariable: state.myState})
fragments: {
viewer {
myFunc($myVariable) {
class Container extends React.Component {
render() {
const { viewer } = this.props;
export default Container;
import Relay from 'react-relay';
import React from 'react';
import {Provider as ReactReduxProvider } from 'react-redux';
let store;
function setStore(value) {
store = value;
const containerProperties = {
'getFragmentNames': true,
'getQueryNames': true,
'hasFragment': true,
'hasVariable': true,
'getFragment': true,
'getQuery': true,
'contextTypes': false,
'displayName': false,
'moduleName': false
function createLazyContainer(Container, variablesFromState, fragments) {
let relayContainer;
const getRelayContainer = () => {
if (!relayContainer) {
const {forceFetch, ...initialVariables} = variablesFromState(store.getState()); //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
relayContainer = Relay.createContainer(Container, { initialVariables, fragments });
return relayContainer;
const lazyContainer = (props, context) => {
const Container = getRelayContainer();
return new Container(props, context);
for (let property of Object.keys(containerProperties)) {
const isFunction = containerProperties[property];
if (isFunction) {
Object.defineProperty(lazyContainer, property, {
value: function (...args) {
const container = getRelayContainer();
return container[property](...args);
enumerable: true,
configureable: true,
writable: true
} else {
Object.defineProperty(lazyContainer, property, {
get: () => getRelayContainer()[property],
set: (val) => getRelayContainer()[property] = val,
enumerable: true,
configureable: true
return lazyContainer;
export function container({variablesFromState, fragments}) {
return function (Component) {
if (variablesFromState) {
class Container extends React.Component {
static displayName = `ReduxRelay(${Component.displayName ||})`
componentDidMount() {
this._subscription = store.subscribe(() => {
const { forceFetch, ...variables } = variablesFromState(store.getState());
if (forceFetch) {
} else {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return <Component {...this.props} />;
return createLazyContainer(Container, variablesFromState, fragments);
} else {
return Relay.createContainer(Component, { fragments });
export const Provider = ({store, ...props}) => {
return <ReactReduxProvider store={store} {...props} />;
import { Provider } from 'redux-relay';
import Relay from 'react-relay';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import configureStore from './store';
import Container from './Container';
import route from './route';
const store = configureStore();
<Provider store={store}>
<Relay.RootContainer route={route} Component={Container} />
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implemented pretty much the same logic, but can't get rid of a warning:

Warning: RelayContainer: component `...` was rendered with variables that differ from the variables used to fetch fragment `...`

Did you encountered this one too ?

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Thanks for putting this together! Just added babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy but now I'm getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'getState' of undefined (line 27 of redux-relay). It throws the error before the modified provider has a chance to add the state. It looks like it trying to get the state before runtime?

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This is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I asked a question on stack overflow about how to accomplish this ( and answered my own question with a link to this.

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