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Created July 27, 2020 11:15
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// How is it I can use SF Symbols images in text strings?
echo >bug.txt 􀌛
hexdump bug.txt
> f4 80 8c 9b
f4 = 11110100
80 = 10000000
8c = 10001100
9b = 10011011
First byte starts with 1111 which means it's
a 4 byte value.
Wikipedia explains how to decode this:
100000000001100011011 = 0x10031B
0x100000-0x10FFFF is "Supplementary Private Use Area-B"
// Gist of a small Swift script that prints all the characters in the
// private use block.
import Cocoa
for ch:UInt32 in 0x100000..<0x10FFFF {
let arr = [ch]
let array: [UInt32] = [CFSwapInt32(ch)]
let data = array.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr) -> Data in
return Data(ptr)
if let str = String(data: data, encoding: .utf32) {
print("\(String(format: "%08X", ch)): \(str)")
0010074A: 􀝊
0010074B: 􀝋
0010074C: 􀝌
0010074D: 􀝍
0010074E: 􀝎
0010074F: 􀝏
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