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Florian Dutey fdutey

  • Simfinity
  • Zhuhai
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# lib/services/user/signup_service.rb
module Services
module User
class SignUpService
attr_reader :publish_statistics_service,
def initialize(
fdutey / sum.rb
Last active November 7, 2017 03:22
def parse_arg(arg)
a, b, q = arg.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
[, b), q]
inputs = []
while arg = STDIN.gets
inputs << parse_arg(arg)
describe :note_for do
it 'give notes for the project' do
CategoryProject.create(:project => project,
:category => category,
:description => 'test')
params = { :category => category }
project.notes.create params.merge(:value => 8)
2.times{ project.notes.create params.merge(:value => 3) }
fdutey / gist:2358352
Created April 11, 2012 10:04
Comme nous l'avons vu, il n'y a pas de classe en JavaScript.
La notion même d'héritage tel que conçu de manière traditionnelle n'a donc aucun sens.
Il existe plusieurs façons de concevoir et mettre en oeuvre l'héritage en JS:
* héritage de prototype
* héritage classique
* copie
module Formol
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_protected :topic_id, :user_id, :created_by_topic
#Virtual attributes
attr_accessor :created_by_topic, :quote_id, :register_user_as_subscriber
#Default values
default_value_for :created_by_topic, false
module ActiveRecord
module CustomValidations
def validates_unchanged_value(*attr_names)
configuration = { :message => :frozen_attribute }
configuration[:on] = :update
validates_each(attr_names, configuration) do |record, attr_name, value|
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_unchanged_value :title, :if => published?,
:message => :frozen_attribute_when_published
a = { :a => '1', :b => '2' }
b = a.dup
with a do
def test_method
a.test_method #=> [:b, :a]
class Object
def with(obj, &block)
obj.instance_eval &block
h = { :a => 1, :b => 2 }
a = ["a", "b"]
with h do
posts = Post.all
#renvoie true si ma collection a plusieurs (> 1) élément répondant à la condition passée sous forme de bloc
posts.many?(&:published?) #=> true
#renvoie true si aucun élément de ma collection ne répond à la condition passée sous forme de bloc
posts.none?(&:published?) #=> false
#effectue la somme des valeurs renvoyées successivement par un bloc executé sur chaque élément de ma collection
posts.sum(&:comments_count) #=> 10