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Working from home

Febrian Dwi Putra febritecno

Working from home
  • Bojonegoro, indonesia
  • 15:12 (UTC +07:00)
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febritecno / tailwind-responsive-config.css
Created February 24, 2025 06:00
tailwind css global responsive
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
/* === Global Body Styling === */
body {
@apply bg-white text-[#182230] leading-relaxed;
/* === Container === */
febritecno /
Created December 20, 2024 04:44
# Exit on error
set -e
# Variables
febritecno / multipolygon_laravel_dart.dart
Created November 4, 2024 05:09
how handle multipolygon
import 'dart:math';
/// Checks if a point is inside any of the geofences
bool isInsideGeofences(dynamic geofences, double lat, double lng) {
// Iterate through each geofence in the list
for (var geofence in geofences) {
// Each geofence is an array with one polygon
var polygon = geofence[0];
if (isPointInPolygon(lat, lng, polygon)) {
# Update system packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
# Install required dependencies
sudo apt install -y git curl sqlite3
# Create a user for Gitea
sudo adduser --system --group --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --home /home/git --gecos 'Gitea User' git
febritecno /
Created September 15, 2024 10:38 — forked from nmccready/
macOS optimize setup

macOS 10.12 Sonoma and Up Setup

Most things should work in newer versions of macOs with slight tweaks.

Custom recipe to get macOS 10.12 Sierra running from scratch, setup applications and developer environment. This is very similar (and currently mostly the same) as my 10.11 El Capitan setup recipe and 10.10 Yosemite setup recipe. I am currently tweaking this for 10.12 Sierra and expect to refine this gist over the next few weeks.

I use this gist to keep track of the important software and steps required to have a functioning system after a semi-annual fresh install. I generally reinstall each computer from scratch every 6 months, and I do not perform upgrades between releases.

This keeps the system performing at top speeds, clean of trojans, spyware, and ensures that I maintain good organizational practices for my content and backups. I highly recommend this.

febritecno / config.ini
Created September 13, 2024 13:29
Emulator Smooth
PlayStore.enabled = no
abi.type = arm64-v8a = <build>
avd.ini.encoding = UTF-8 = <build>
disk.cachePartition = yes
disk.cachePartition.size = 66MB
disk.dataPartition.path = <temp>
disk.dataPartition.size = 6442450944
disk.systemPartition.size = 0
febritecno / datetime_picker.dart
Last active December 7, 2023 14:14
Flutter methods
datePicker(context, data(result)) async {
DateTime currentDate =;
DateTime? pickedDate = await showDatePicker(
context: context,
initialDate: currentDate,
firstDate: DateTime(2015, 8),
lastDate: DateTime(2101),
if (pickedDate != null) {
febritecno / check_folder_exist_s3.js
Last active February 29, 2024 09:21
AWS S3 operation
s3.listObjectsV2(params, (err, data) => {
const folderExists = data.Contents.length > 0;
// (folderExists == true) if the folder exists
async function checkFolderExist(key) {
try {
const objects = await s3.listObjectsV2({ Bucket: BUCKET_NAME, Prefix: key }).promise();
return objects.Contents.length > 0;
febritecno /
Last active July 28, 2023 01:45
Liner commit tanpa rebase by febrian dwi putra

Linier commit, tanpa capek rebase !!!

  1. create branch feature from master (important)
  2. doing…. {a lot duplicate commit}
  3. clone branch feature with name feat/{feature}-dev (tmp)
  4. git rebase -i origin/master + squash (biar satu commit)
  5. git push origin feat/{feature}-dev -f
  6. create merge request / pull request to branch development