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Last active February 14, 2025 04:36
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How to create USB that automatically installs Ubuntu Server 20.04

Steps to create the bootable USB

  1. Create folder
mkdir autoinstall-ISO
cd autoinstall-ISO
  1. Download ubuntu-autoinstall-generator
  1. Add execute permission
chmod +x
  1. Create folder for files that are going to be baked in to the ISO
mkdir server
  1. Create user-data and meta-data files in the server directory (user-data is included as an attachement)
touch server/meta-data

Generate your password hash (replace PASSWORD with your password)

openssl passwd -6 -stdin <<< PASSWORD

Replace the passord hash in user-data. More information about the cloud-init config can be found here.

  1. Create ISO image ubuntu-20.04-autoinstall.iso
sudo ./ -a -k -u server/user-data -m server/meta-data -d ubuntu-20.04-autoinstall.iso
  1. Plug in your USB device that is going to be turned into bootable USB, discover it with lsblk → assume that the device has the name of sdX
  2. Create a bootable USB using the dd command, don't forget to replace sdX with the actual name of your USB device
    ⚠️ This action erases all data from the USB device
sudo dd if=ubuntu-20.04-autoinstall.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1024k status=progress && sync
  1. Plug in the USB into the machine where Ubuntu Server 20.04 will be installed
  2. Turn on the machine
    ⚠️ This action installs Ubuntu Server 20.04 on the target machine and can not be reverted

Test the ISO

  1. Download VirtualBox
  2. Create new machine with at least 5 GB disk space (Create a virtual hard disk now), the Hard disk file type may be HDD (Parallels Hard Disk)
  3. Right click on the newly created machine → Settings → Storage → Click on the empty → Set the source as the newly created ISO with the blue CD icon on the right
  4. Click on Start and wait

Access the machine

  1. Wait 5-10 mins after pressing the power button
  2. Use nmap to identify the machine: port 22 will be open if ssh-server was installed (ssh section of the user-data file)
  3. SSH into the device
ssh ubuntu@<IP of the device>

Useful links

version: 1
hostname: ubuntu-server
password: $6$iAB8EhpFltgyVCE/$CUGLVkOKAw7ILpJMr4gQxz9WpEPTSNjzjRFRT1oXsgdYAia5XwfQrDj/YeqgH3DX0Gx09MvXnsYtmEQTfU3Pk0
username: ubuntu
layout: en
toggle: null
variant: ''
locale: en_EN.UTF-8
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
- build-essential
- network-manager
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Not runnable from macOS due to the use of isolinux :-(
(managed to brew install everything else)

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