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Created October 10, 2017 16:34
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Toy DFO Problem
# Possibly the best Machine Learning library ever
import numpy as np
# Let's print the output nicely
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
# Population Size
size = 100
# How regularily the flies are dispersed
disturbance_threshold = 0.01
# The target solution we are aiming to optimise towards
target_solution = np.array([0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
# Upper and lower bounds for initialisation steps
lower = -1.0
upper = 1.0
# Create a population from the upper and lower bounds - note a uniform random distribution is used
population = np.array([np.random.uniform(lower, upper, len(target_solution)) for _ in range(size)])
# Because the algorithm is stochastic sometimes it is nice to record the best solution
all_time_best = None
all_time_best_score = np.finfo(np.float32).max
# An empty vessel to contain each flies best neighbour
best_neighbour = np.zeros_like(population[0])
# How many iterations of optimisation we want to compute
iteration_amount = 100
for _ in range(iteration_amount):
# Compute the fitnesses for each fly by calculating the l2 (euclidean) loss from the target vector
fitnesses = np.zeros(len(population))
for i in range(len(population)):
fitnesses[i] = np.linalg.norm(target_solution - population[i])
# Which flies index has the lowest loss?
swarms_best_index = np.argmin(fitnesses)
# Get best fly
swarms_best = population[swarms_best_index]
# Record best fly of all time
if np.amin(fitnesses) <= all_time_best_score:
all_time_best_score = np.amin(fitnesses)
all_time_best = swarms_best
# All the random dice rolls we will make for every 'd' in each member of the population
r = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, population.shape)
# For each fly in the swarm
for i, p in enumerate(population):
# Get the neighbours indices - note how we turn the list into a circular buffer
left = (i - 1) if i is not 0 else len(population) - 1
right = (i + 1) if i is not (len(population) - 1) else 0
# Here is the best scoring neighbouring fly
best_neighbour = population[left] if fitnesses[left] < fitnesses[right] else population[right]
# For each element comprising the fly
for x in range(len(p)):
# If the roll computed earlier is lower than the threshold, re-init the fly, else, update
# fly to best neighbour and move it a random amount towards the swarms best fly.
if r[i][x] < disturbance_threshold:
p[x] = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)
update = swarms_best[x] - best_neighbour[x]
p[x] = best_neighbour[x] + np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * update
# Get the final fitnesses with l2 diff
fitnesses = np.zeros(len(population))
for i in range(len(population)):
fitnesses[i] = np.linalg.norm(target_solution - population[i])
# Get the best fly
swarms_best_index = np.argmin(fitnesses)
swarms_best = population[swarms_best_index]
# Print results
print('target:', target_solution)
print('best: ', all_time_best)
print('diff: ', np.abs(all_time_best - target_solution))
# -------------------------------------------
# Example output:
# target: [ 0. 1. -1. 1. 0. ]
# best: [ 0. 0.992 -0.967 0.992 -0. ]
# diff: [ 0. 0.008 0.033 0.008 0. ]
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mbhai002 commented Mar 21, 2018

is it normal the value of your best fly change in each iteration ?
it changes exactly a the position of your best fly in your flyes.
you have for example flyes [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] , let say your best fly is fly 3 , fitness = 13.
when you update each fly you should keep the same best fly, but yours will give a different best fly for each fly :
you get [13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14] instead of [13,13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13]

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