- Make a new rails app and initilize through git
$ chruby 2.0.0
$ gem install rails
$ rails new myapp ~/src
$ cd ~/src/myapp
$ git init
- Install elastic beanstalk command line tools and initialize
$ brew install aws-elasticbeanstalk
$ eb init
- Enter your AWS Access Key ID (stores for future projects)
- Enter your AWS Secret Access Key (stores for future projects)
- Select US East (Virginia) for region
- Enter an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application name: (autogenerated is fine):
- Enter an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment name (auto-generated is fine):
- Select Webserver as your environment tier
- 31 or 32 work fine as a solution stack (ruby 2.0.0 w/puma or ruby 2.0.0 w/passenger)
- Creating a Single instance
- Create an RDS database (sure why not)
- Create a snapshot? (backups are always good)
- Attach an instance profile? I would not worry about this for now (default:1, continue anyway? yes)
- Now to create your myapp-env
$ eb start
- Would you like to deploy the latest Git commit to your environment? (no)