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naesean / jsonapi_oas.yml
Last active September 9, 2024 07:32
OpenAPI 3.0 schemas that comply with the JSON:API 1.0 specification
description: Includes the current JSON:API version for this specification as well as optional meta information
type: object
- version
type: string
default: '1.0'
example: '1.0'

DaVinci Resolve Scripting Documentation

Updated as of 08 March 2019

In this package, you will find a brief introduction to the Scripting API for DaVinci Resolve Studio. Apart from this README.txt file, this package contains folders containing the basic import modules for scripting access ( and some representative examples.


As with Blackmagic Design Fusion scripts, user scripts written in Lua and Python programming languages are supported. By default, scripts can be invoked from the Console window in the Fusion page, or via command line. This permission can be changed in Resolve Preferences, to be only from Console, or to be invoked from the local network. Please be aware of the security implications when allowing scripting access from outside of the Resolve application.

eelstork /
Created September 20, 2015 06:30
Convert Mixamo rig bone names (as imported to Blender via FBX) to standard Blender bone names. This is especially use if your mesh uses the 'mirror' modifier. 1 - Backup your Blend. 2 - In action editor disconnect any animation connected to the rig. 3 - Paste the script in a text window and select "run script". 4 - Notice that all bone names are…
# IMPORTANT: make sure no animation is assigned
# to the rig before you run this script,
# otherwise linked animation data will be corrupted.
import bpy
# ----------------------------------
# Mixamo left/right bone names start with 'Left'/'Right'
# Instead we apply Blender's standard .L/.R suffix
# and get rid of long suffix