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Created January 18, 2019 09:05
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import Foundation
import UIKit
struct ViewStyle<T> {
let style: (T) -> Void
let filled = ViewStyle<UIButton> {
$0.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
$0.backgroundColor = .red
let rounded = ViewStyle<UIButton> {
$0.layer.cornerRadius = 4.0
extension ViewStyle {
func compose(with style: ViewStyle<T>) -> ViewStyle<T> {
return ViewStyle<T> {$0)$0)
let roundedAndFilled = rounded.compose(with: filled)
extension ViewStyle where T: UIButton {
static var filled: ViewStyle<UIButton> {
return ViewStyle<UIButton> {
$0.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
$0.backgroundColor = .red
static var rounded: ViewStyle<UIButton> {
return ViewStyle<UIButton> {
$0.layer.cornerRadius = 4.0
static var roundedAndFilled: ViewStyle<UIButton> {
return rounded.compose(with: filled)
func style<T>(_ object: T, with style: ViewStyle<T>) {
protocol Stylable {
extension UIView: Stylable {}
extension Stylable {
init(style: ViewStyle<Self>) {
func apply(_ style: ViewStyle<Self>) {
let button = UIButton(style: .roundedAndFilled)
button.setTitle("My Button", for: .normal)
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seanrucker commented Mar 8, 2019

How could you allow composing ViewStyles for UIView subclasses with ViewStyles for UIView?

extension ViewStyle {
    static var buttonStyle: ViewStyle<UIButton> {
        return ViewStyle<UIButton> {
            $0.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
    static var roundedAndFilledButton: ViewStyle<UIButton> {
        // This doesn't work because 'roundedAndFilled' returns a 'ViewStyle<UIView>' and buttonStyle is expecting 'ViewStyle<UIButton>'
        return buttonStyle.compose(with: .roundedAndFilled)

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I like the idea of overloading the + operator

extension ViewStyle {

    static func +(left: ViewStyle<T>, right: ViewStyle<T>) -> ViewStyle<T> {
        return ViewStyle<T> {
            return $0

So then you can do

let button = UIButton(style: rounded + filled)

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