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Felipe Bueno felipebueno

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felipebueno / compress_video
Created August 22, 2024 12:02 — forked from trvswgnr/compress_video
portable shell script to compress videos with ffmpeg
print_usage() {
echo "usage: compress_video <input_file>"
echo "supported formats: mp4, webm, mkv, mov, avi, flv"
get_extension() {
case "$f" in
felipebueno /
Created August 27, 2020 16:29 — forked from milo/
Oracle OCI8 extension on Linux Debian

Oracle Instant Client libraries installation

Download Oracle Instant Client libraries (URL may change, already happened few times). Be sure you download correct (x64 or x32) architecture. And correct version. I'm using Instant Client with Oracle 10g, 11g and 12c and PHP 5.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4. Never hit any problem with such setup but my queries are quite simple.

Last time I used Instant Client and compiled with PHP 7.4 fine. I had to download two files:

and extacted them into single directory. I'm using /usr/local/lib/oracle. File tree follows:

felipebueno /
Created June 12, 2020 02:02 — forked from abn/
Fedora thinkfan configuration for Lenovo X1 Carbon (5th Gen)

Thinkfan Configuration Notes

This are notes for configuration thinkfan for Fedora. This configuration procedure was followed on a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon (5th Gen) running Fedora 25.

Non standard (default) configuration was required for this machine as the default sensors are not available. Eg: /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal does not exist for this model.

An annoted configuration file has been included below. However, there is no guarentee that this will work as-is on every machine.


dnf -y install thinkfan
felipebueno / Makefile
Created January 6, 2017 12:10 — forked from jessevanherk/Makefile
A sample makefile and support files to build a love2d game for multiple platforms from linux
PRETTY_NAME=My Sample Game
felipebueno /
Created June 8, 2016 22:04 — forked from jexchan/
Multiple SSH keys for different github accounts

Multiple SSH Keys settings for different github account

create different public key

create different ssh key according the article Mac Set-Up Git

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
felipebueno /
Last active December 21, 2015 13:56 — forked from wbroek/genymotionwithplay.txt
Genymotion with Google Play Services
felipebueno /
Created December 4, 2015 15:34 — forked from auramo/figwheel-emacs-cider.txt
figwheel emacs cider stuff

Using Emacs CIDER as the Figwheel REPL tool

project.clj should have this line:

  :figwheel { :nrepl-port 7888 }

At the defproject-level.

It enables external tools to connect to the Figwheel REPL. To connect