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Created March 6, 2022 19:29
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Set of functions to help debugging ElasticPress dynamic sync requests
* This is a set of functions that can be used to debug
* the dynamic sync made by ElasticPress
* phpcs:disable WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions -- Reason: the whole purpose of the file is to use error_log().
* @package ElasticPress_Custom
* Called in the beginning of the batch processing.
* Log a header with the document count and their average size.
* @param array $documents Array of documents to be sent to Elasticsearch.
function ep_log_ep_before_send_dynamic_bulk_requests( $documents ) {
error_log( '' );
error_log( '' );
error_log( '' );
error_log( '==============================================' );
error_log( '============ STARTING A NEW BATCH ============' );
error_log( '==============================================' );
error_log( '' );
error_log( '' );
error_log( 'Documents count: ' . count( $documents ) );
error_log( 'Documents avg size: ' . ( mb_strlen( implode( '', $documents ) ) / count( $documents ) ) );
error_log( '' );
error_log( '==============================================' );
error_log( '' );
add_action( 'ep_before_send_dynamic_bulk_requests', 'ep_log_ep_before_send_dynamic_bulk_requests' );
* Called if detected a post that is bigger than the max buffer size possible.
* @param string $next_document JSON string of the post detected as too big.
function ep_log_ep_dynamic_bulk_post_too_big( $next_document ) {
error_log( 'Indexable too big. Request not sent.' );
error_log( '==============================================' );
add_action( 'ep_dynamic_bulk_post_too_big', 'ep_log_ep_dynamic_bulk_post_too_big' );
* Called right after a request was made.
* @param WP_Error|array $result Result of the request.
* @param array $body Array of documents sent to Elasticsearch.
* @param array $documents Array of documents to be sent to Elasticsearch.
* @param int $min_buffer_size Min buffer size for dynamic bulk index (in bytes.)
* @param int $max_buffer_size Max buffer size for dynamic bulk index (in bytes.)
* @param int $current_buffer_size Current buffer size for dynamic bulk index (in bytes.)
* @param int $request_time Total time of the request.
function ep_log_ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_request( $result, $body, $documents, $min_buffer_size, $max_buffer_size, $current_buffer_size, $request_time ) {
error_log( 'count( $body ): ' . count( $body ) );
error_log( 'count( $documents ): ' . count( $documents ) );
error_log( '$min_buffer_size: ' . $min_buffer_size );
error_log( '$max_buffer_size: ' . $max_buffer_size );
error_log( '$current_buffer_size: ' . $current_buffer_size );
error_log( 'Current request size: ' . mb_strlen( implode( '', $body ) ) );
error_log( 'ES Time: ' . ( is_array( $result ) && isset( $result['took'] ) ? $result['took'] / 1000 : '?' ) );
error_log( 'Request Time: ' . $request_time );
error_log( '==============================================' );
if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
error_log( $result->get_error_code() . ' - ' . $result->get_error_message() );
error_log( '==============================================' );
if ( count( $body ) === 1 ) {
error_log( 'ONE POST TOO BIG' );
error_log( '==============================================' );
} elseif ( mb_strlen( implode( '', $body ) ) === $min_buffer_size ) {
error_log( 'THIS REALLY FAILED' );
error_log( '==============================================' );
add_action( 'ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_request', 'ep_log_ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_request', 10, 7 );
* Called in the end of the batch processing.
* @param array $results Array of results sent.
* @param int $requests Number of all requests sent.
* @return void
function ep_log_ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_requests( $results, $requests ) {
error_log( '' );
error_log( '# of requests: ' . $requests );
error_log( '==============================================' );
add_action( 'ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_requests', 'ep_log_ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_requests', 10, 2 );
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