border-color currentColor
color tomato
!important, It works with all elements inside of parent.
// The molecule | |
.card | |
h2 | |
... | |
p | |
... | |
.price | |
... |
<section class="place"> | |
<div class="place__container"> | |
<h1>Lugares vistos recentemente</h1> | |
<p>Continue de onde parou</p> | |
<a class="card" href="#"> | |
<div class="card__main"> | |
<img src="" alt=""> | |
<h2>Hospedado por Luciana</h2> | |
<p>Rio de Janeiro</p> |
// ================================================== | |
// IE Checker | |
// ================================================== | |
function isIE(userAgent) { | |
userAgent = userAgent || navigator.userAgent; | |
return userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Edge/') > -1; | |
} |
0 info it worked if it ends with ok | |
1 verbose cli [ 'c:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe', | |
1 verbose cli 'C:\\Users\\Felipe\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js', | |
1 verbose cli 'install' ] | |
2 info using [email protected] | |
3 info using [email protected] | |
4 silly loadCurrentTree Starting | |
5 silly install loadCurrentTree | |
6 silly install readLocalPackageData | |
7 silly install normalizeTree |
// ================================================== | |
// Smooth Scroll | |
// ================================================== | |
function smoothScroll(el, to, duration) { | |
'use strict'; | |
if (duration < 0) { | |
return; |