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Created August 3, 2019 11:15
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  • Save felipem775/4ac3767c54431f4fe7e333e28f3e5c36 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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goreviewpartner config
language = en
sgffolder = /tmp
rsgffolder =
pngfolder =
livefolder = live_analysis
stonesound =
maxvariations = 26
savecommandline = False
stopatfirstresign = False
novariationifsamemove = False
analyser = LeelaZero - Slow
fuzzystoneplacement = .2
realgamesequencedeepness = 5
leftgobanratio = 0.498046875
rightgobanratio = 0.8466796875
rightpanelratio = 0.073046875
opengobanratio = 0.4
maxvariations = 10
variationscoloring = blue_for_winning
variationslabel = rate
invertedmousewheel = False
lastgraph = Value Network win rate
yellowbar = #F39C12
lastbot =
lastmap = Heat map
oneortwopanels = 1
size = 19
komi = 7.5
handicap = 0
nooverlap = False
analyser =
black =
white =
livegobanratio = 0.4
thinkbeforeplaying = 0
profile = Slow
command =
parameters = --gtp --noponder
timepermove = 15
profile = Fast
command =
parameters = --gtp --noponder
timepermove = 5
profile = Slow
command =
parameters = --mode=gtp --level=12
variations = 4
deepness = 4
profile = Fast
command =
parameters = --mode=gtp --level=10
variations = 4
deepness = 4
profile = Slow
command =
parameters = --no-gpu --const-time 15
profile = Fast
command =
parameters = --no-gpu --const-time 5
profile = Slow
command =
parameters = --config=aq_config_slow.txt
profile = Fast
command =
parameters = --config=aq_config_fast.txt
profile = Example-windows-GPU-notensorrt-Slow
command = C:\users\yourusername\Downloads\PhoenixGo\bin\mcts_main
parameters = --gtp --config_path C:\users\yourusername\Downloads\PhoenixGo\etc\mcts_1gpu_notensorrt_grp.conf --logtostderr --v 1
timepermove = 60
profile = Example-windows-CPU-Slow
command = C:\users\yourusername\Downloads\PhoenixGo\bin\mcts_main
parameters = --gtp --config_path C:\users\yourusername\Downloads\PhoenixGo\etc\mcts_cpu_grp.conf --logtostderr --v 1
timepermove = 60
profile = Example-linux-GPU-tensorrt-Slow
command = /home/yourusername/PhoenixGo/bazel-bin/mcts/mcts_main
parameters = --gtp --config_path=/home/yourusername/PhoenixGo/etc/mcts_1gpu_grp.conf --logtostderr --v=1
timepermove = 60
profile = Example-linux-GPU-notensorrt-Slow
command = /home/yourusername/PhoenixGo/bazel-bin/mcts/mcts_main
parameters = --gtp --config_path=/home/yourusername/PhoenixGo/etc/mcts_1gpu_notensorrt_grp.conf --logtostderr --v=1
timepermove = 60
profile = Example-linux-CPU-Slow
command = /home/yourusername/PhoenixGo/bazel-bin/mcts/mcts_main
parameters = --gtp --config_path=/home/yourusername/PhoenixGo/etc/mcts_cpu_grp.conf --logtostderr --v=1
timepermove = 60
profile = Slow
parameters = --gtp --noponder --weights /mnt/almacen/workspace/leela-zero/build/best-network
variations = 4
command = /mnt/almacen/workspace/leela-zero/build/leelaz
timepermove = 15
deepness = 4
profile = Fast
parameters = --gtp --noponder --weights /mnt/almacen/workspace/leela-zero/build/best-network
variations = 4
command = /mnt/almacen/workspace/leela-zero/build/leelaz
timepermove = 5
deepness = 4
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