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Created January 21, 2020 21:22
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Race conditions? Block?
pub fn add_items_to_track(
db: Arc<dyn Db>,
client: Arc<dyn ClientForRepositories + Send + Sync>,
id: i32,
items: Vec<api::ItemToTrack>,
) -> Result<()> {
log::info!("We were about to add {:?} to {}", items, id);
if let Some(repo) = db.find_repo(id) {
let mut tasks = FuturesUnordered::new();
for item in items {
let name =;
let c = client.clone();
let nr =;
tasks.push(task::spawn(async move {
match item.kind {
ItemKind::Issue => c.issue(&name, nr).await,
ItemKind::PR => c.pull_request(&name, nr).await,
log::info!("added a new task for {}", nr);
let number_of_tasks = tasks.len();
log::info!("setup all the tasks: {}", number_of_tasks);
let res = task::block_on(async move {
let mut res = Vec::new();
while let Some(i) = {
let i = dbg!(i);
log::info!("done gathering results: {}", number_of_tasks);
bail!("Could not find repo {}", id)
} else {
bail!("Could not find repo {}", id)
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