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Last active August 20, 2024 13:13
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Save felippe-regazio/42c4910696148015403149742d975192 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatically unfollow Twitter users by a given criteria
* This is a Twitter NO-API/Dependency-Free follower sniffer and auto-blocker.
* This function performs automatic bulk blocking with NO-API
* and NO-external-dependencies to run. You must run this snippet
* directly on your Console, it will sniff your followers list
* search for previous given keywords, if found on username or description,
* the user will be automatically blocked.
* 1. Go to your twitter profile webpage using a desktop navigator, preferentially
* Chrome. Now go to your "followers" page:<username>/followers
* 2. On your followers page you must open your browser inspector, go to
* the "console" and paste this entire code. Be sure to be logged on twitter.
* Usage:
* Now you must call the function passing the parameters to the seeker.
* Use the same console that you pasted the function to do it.
* Example:
* seekAndDestroy({ keywords: 'fizz' });
* The function bellow will search for every user that has the keyword "fizz"
* on the name or profile, and will list them. It wont automatically block since
* the dryrun options is true by default. To block all the users based on your criteria
* you msut remove the dryrun security key:
* seekAndDestroy({ keywords: 'fizz', dryrun: false });
* Now all the users that match your criteria (keywords) will be automatically blocked.
* {
* keywords: [ "example" ],
* strategy: "some",
* dryrun: true
* }
* keywords: string[]
* All the words to search for when deciding who's to block
* strategy: some|every
* How to compare keywords.
* "some": blocks the user if match at least on keyword of keywords list
* "every": blocks the user only when matching all keywords of keywords list
* dryrun
* Do not REALLY block users. This is true by default for security reasons.
* THis options is also useful to get just a list of users that were sniffed.
* The script will slowly scan your users list automatically scrolling the page
* and chacking user by user. This may take some time, go get a coffee :)
* When running the "seekAndDestroy" function you can stop the task and get a
* report with all the users that matched your criteria. Just click on any
* blank part of the current screen and press "q". A file will be automatically
* download showing you all the users found that matched your query.
* Be sure to be on your "followers" page. Now...
* Check all users that has the word "nazi" on the name/description:
* seekAndDestroy({ keywords: 'nazi' });
* Check and automatically block all users that has the word "nazi" on the name/description:
* seekAndDestroy({ keywords: 'nazi', dryrun: false });
* Check all users that has both the words "nazi" and "lover" on the name/description
* seekAndDestroy({ keywords: ['nazi', 'lover'], strategy: 'every' });
* WARN!!!
* This function is distributed with NO GUARANTEES. Use by you own risk. Make sure
* that you know exactly what you are doing, or you may be in risk to accidentally
* block all your followers list. In case of doubt, prefer not to use.
function seekAndDestroy(overrides = {}) {
const blocked = [];
const options = { keywords: [], dryrun: true, strategy: 'some', ...overrides };
const { keywords, dryrun, strategy } = options;
let locked = false;
const block = (item, retries = 50) => {
if (!retries) return;
try {
const blockbtn = document.querySelector('[role=menuitem][data-testid=block]');
if (!blockbtn) return block(item, --retries);;
const blockconfirmbtn = document.querySelector('[role=button][data-testid="confirmationSheetConfirm"]');
if (!blockconfirmbtn) return block(item, --retries);
if (!dryrun) {;
} catch {
return block(item, --retries);
const running = setInterval(() => {
if (locked) return;
const found = document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid=cellInnerDiv]') || [];
const normalize = str => str.toLowerCase().normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "");
let blockedCount = blocked.length;
locked = true;
found.forEach(item => {
const userUrl = item.querySelector('a')?.href;
const mustBlock = keywords[strategy](word => normalize(item.textContent || '').includes(normalize(word)));
if (mustBlock && !blocked.includes(userUrl)) {
console.log(`💣 ${userUrl} [dry run ${dryrun}]`);
const backwardScroll = document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
const scrollIndex = blockedCount === block.length ? document.body.scrollHeight : (backwardScroll > 0 ? backwardScroll : 0);
console.log('Scrolled to new position ', scrollIndex);
window.scrollTo(0, scrollIndex);
locked = false;
}, 5000);
const onQuit = e => {
if (e.key === 'q') {
const filename = `seek-and-destroy-${}.txt`;
const text = blocked.join('\n');
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
a.setAttribute('download', filename);;
window.addEventListener('keyup', onQuit);
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