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Latex-Beamer: animated Optimal Lotsize
% Optimal Lot-Size with the Andler Formula
% Author: Felix Lindemann
% Source: Beamer by Till Tantau <--- Great!
% GNUPLOT required
\title{Optimal Lot-Size with the Andler Formula}
\subtitle{Sensitivity Analysis}
\author[Dipl. Kfm Felix Lindemann]{Dipl. Kfm Felix Lindemann\inst{1}}
\institute[Fachhochschule Neu-Ulm]{
\inst{1}Kompetenzzentrum Logistik\\
University of Applied Science Neu-Ulm
\subject{Sensitivity Analysis of Andlers-Lot-Size by Felix Lindemann. }
\keywords{Andler, optimal Lot size, ...}
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- (8.5,0) node[right]{\tiny $b$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- (0,5.5) node[left]{\tiny $K_G K_L K_B$};
\pgfmathsetmacro\bOpt{10* sqrt( (2 * \vkb * \vM) / (\vkl) / ( \vP) )}
\pgfmathsetmacro\bOpta{ \bOpt /10}
\pgfmathsetmacro\Kmin{ sqrt( 2 * \vkl * \vP * \vkb) * sqrt( \vM * 0.01)}
\pgfmathsetmacro\Kmina{ \Kmin/20}
\draw[dotted] (\bOpta,4.5) -- (\bOpta,-0.5) node[below]
{\tiny $b_{opt}=\sqrt{\frac{2\cdot #3 \cdot #4 \cdot100}{#1 \cdot #2}} = \bOpt$};
\draw[dotted] (-0.5,\Kmina) -- (5.5,\Kmina) node[right]
{\tiny $K_G(b_{opt})=
\sqrt{\frac{2\cdot #1 \cdot #2 \cdot #3 \cdot #4}{100}}=\Kmin$};
\foreach \x in {1,...,8}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xtext{ \x * 10}
\draw (\x cm,1pt) -- (\x cm,-1pt) node[below] {\tiny $\xtext$};
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\ytext{ \y * 20}
\draw (1pt,\y cm) -- (-1pt,\y cm) node[left] {\tiny $\ytext$};}%
\foreach \kl/\P/\kb/\M in {#1/#2/#3/#4}{
\draw[color=black, ultra thick] plot[id=#1#2#3#4a]
\node[color=black, very thick] at (4.5,5)
{\scriptsize$K_G(b)=\textcolor{red}{\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{k_l\cdot P}{100} \cdot b}
+\textcolor{blue}{\frac{M\cdot k_b}{b}}=
\textcolor{red}{\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{\kl\cdot\P}{100} \cdot b}
\draw[color=red,thick ] plot[id=#1#2#3#4b] function{(0.5*\kl*0.01*\P*(x*10))/20};
\draw[color=blue,thick ] plot[id=#1#2#3#4c] function{(\kb*\M/(x*10))/20};
\section{Analysis for Parameter $k_l$}
\begin{frame}{Animationen}{Optimal Lot Size Calculation with \textsc{Andler}\\Influence of $k_l$}
% Development of total cost function by varying the storing cost parameter
\ANDLER{5}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\ANDLER{6}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\ANDLER{7}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\ANDLER{8}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\ANDLER{9}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\ANDLER{10}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\ANDLER{11}{20}{5}{50}; \newframe
\section{Analysis for Parameter $k_b$}
{Optimal Lot Size Calculation with \textsc{Andler}\\Influence of $k_b$}
% Development of total cost function by varying the storing cost parameter
\ANDLER{5}{20}{6.5}{50} ;
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