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Created November 23, 2023 10:19
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Search writable folders and network shares without "accesschk.exe"
# Author: Felipe Molina de la Torre
# Date: Novermber 2023
# Summary: Accessckl-like script, but without using external executable files like "accesschk.exe".
# It shows you the folders and executables where your user have write permissions and why.
# This is useful for systems where AppLocker is in place and you cannot execute arbitrary exes but you can execute PowerShell.
# Class to store permissions
class Permissions {
function Scan-Permissions($Path,$UserGroups){
# Get machine domain name
$computer_domain=(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Domain).Domain
# List of "write" operations
# ERROR? GenericWrite is reported for group "Builtin\Users" in many files of the system, so we disable it from detection for now
$write_operations= @("TakeOwnership","ChangePermissions","FullControl","GenericAll","Modify","Write","WriteAttributes","WriteData","WriteExtendedAttributes","WriteKey")
foreach ($cacl in ($(get-acl $Path).Sddl | ConvertFrom-SddlString).DiscretionaryAcl){
# Check the user or group is any of the groups this user is member of
# Resolve the username to SID
# If it's a builtin account or local account, resolve locally, else resolve in the domain
if ($username -ne "TrustedInstaller" -and $domain.Length -gt 0 -and $username.Length -gt 0){
if ($domain.Trim().ToLower() -eq $computer_domain.Trim().ToLower()){
# Resolve on the domain
#write-host "Translating $domain\$username"
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($domain, $username)
$strSID = $objUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value
else {
# Resolve locally
$strSID=(new-object security.principal.ntaccount $username).translate([security.principal.securityidentifier]).Value
# If this sid is within one of the groups
if ($user_groups -contains $strSID) {
# Create object to store the permissions details
# Selecting the allowed and denied permissions and parse them
$match_allowed= $acl.Replace("`n","").Replace("`r","").Replace(" ","") | Select-String -Pattern "AccessAllowed\((.*)\)|AccessAllowedInherited\((.*)\)"
$match_denied= $acl.Replace("`n","").Replace("`r","").Replace(" ","") | Select-String -Pattern "AccessDenied\((.*)\)|AccessDeniedInherited\((.*)\)"
# Check we have any write permissions in this item and it is not previously denied (Deny ACLs have preference over allow ACLs)
if ($match_denied.Matches.Length -gt 0){
# Differenciate between the first regex match before the OR "|" and the second
if ($match_denied.Matches.groups[1].Success){$matchIdx=1} else { $matchIdx=2 }
$denied_result=($write_operations | ?{ $denied_permissions -contains $_})
if ($perms.DeniedWrites.Length -gt 0){
# Saving this allowed results to the global resultant allowed permissions
if ($match_allowed.Matches.Length -gt 0){
if ($match_allowed.Matches.groups[1].Success){$matchIdx=1} else { $matchIdx=2 }
$allowed_result=($write_operations | ?{ $allowed_permissions -contains $_})
if ($perms.AllowedWrites.Length -gt 0){
# Substract the resultant set of allowed minus the denied permissions
return $resultant_allowed_permissions, $resultant_denied_permissions # | ? { -not $resultant_denied_permissions -contains $_ }
function Inspect-Child {
$rp_allowed,$rp_denied=Scan-Permissions -Path $Child -UserGroups $user_groups
if ($rp_allowed.Length -gt 0){
Write-Host "[+] Writable $($Child): "
foreach ($entry in $rp_allowed){
if ($entry.AllowedWrites.Length -gt 0){
Write-Host "* Group allowing: $($entry.GroupName)"
Write-Host "* Permissions write-like: $($entry.AllowedWrites)"
if ($rp_denied.DeniedWrites.Length -gt 0){
foreach ($entry in $rp_denied){
if ($entry.DeniedWrites.Length -gt 0){
Write-Host "* Explicit denies: "
Write-Host "** Group denying: $($entry.GroupName)"
Write-Host "** Denied write-like permissions: $($entry.DeniedWrites)"
function Search-Writable{
# Get current user Name and SID
$loggedInUser = Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object @{Name = 'Username'; Expression = {$_.Username}}, @{Name = 'Sid'; Expression = {([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$_.UserName).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value}}
# Get current user WindowsIdentity and list the Groups
$token = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
Write-Host "Current user member of groups: "
$token.Groups | ForEach-Object -Process { Write-Host "* $($_):`t$($_.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]))" }
# Iterate
if ($Recurse -eq $true){
$childs = $null
if ($Files -eq $true){
Write-Host "Listing files to analyse..."
$childs = Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path $Path
else {
Write-Host "Listing files and folders to analyse..."
$childs = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Path
# Iterate over the results files and folders
Write-Host "Analysis in course..."
$childs | ForEach-Object {
$count += 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Permissios analysis in progress" -Status "$p%" -PercentComplete $p
Inspect-Child -Child $child.FullName
else {
Inspect-Child -Child $Path
## Example ##
Write-Host "###### Program Files ######"
Search-Writable -Path "C:\Program Files" -Recurse -Files
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