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Created September 28, 2016 07:27
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User Agent detection in Java
/* *******************************************
// The code, "Detecting Smartphones Using PHP"
// by Anthony Hand, is licensed under a Creative Commons
// Attribution 3.0 United States License.
// Updated 01 March 2010 by Bryan J Swift
// - Remove un-needed if statements instead just returning the boolean
// inside the if clause
// Updated 14 December 2009 by A Hand
// - Added the method for detecting BlackBerry Touch
// devices like the Storm 1 and 2.
// Updated 5 December 2009 by A Hand
// - Fixed the DetectPalmOS method. It should filter
// out WebOS devices.
// Updated 8 November 2009 by A Hand
// - Added the deviceWebOS variable.
// - Added Palm's WebOS to the DetectPalmOS method.
// - Created a new method to check for Palm's WebOS devices.
// - Added Palm's WebOS to the DetectTierIphone method.
// Updated 4 April 2009 by A Hand
// - Changed the name of the class from DetectSmartPhone to UAgentInfo.
// New name is more consistent with PHP and JavaScript classes.
// - Added a method to detect Opera Mobile and Mini. Opera Mobile is new.
// - Updated the algorithm for detecting a Sony Mylo.
// - Added Android to the DetectTierIphone method.
// - Updated comments for Detect Tier methods.
// Updated 22 January 2009
// - Ported to Java from the PHP code by
// Satish Kumar Nookala, [email protected]
// Anthony Hand, [email protected]
// Web:
// License info:
// This code is provided AS IS with no expressed or implied warranty.
// You have the right to use this code or any portion of it
// so long as you provide credit toward myself as the original author.
// *******************************************
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
* The DetectSmartPhone class encapsulates information about
* a browser's connection to your web site.
* You can use it to find out whether the browser asking for
* your site's content is probably running on a mobile device.
* The methods were written so you can be as granular as you want.
* For example, enquiring whether it's as specific as an iPod Touch or
* as general as a smartphone class device.
* The object's methods return true, or false.
public class UAgentInfo {
// User-Agent and Accept HTTP request headers
private String userAgent = "";
private String httpAccept = "";
// Initialize some initial smartphone string variables.
public static final String engineWebKit = "webkit";
public static final String deviceAndroid = "android";
public static final String deviceIphone = "iphone";
public static final String deviceIpod = "ipod";
public static final String deviceSymbian = "symbian";
public static final String deviceS60 = "series60";
public static final String deviceS70 = "series70";
public static final String deviceS80 = "series80";
public static final String deviceS90 = "series90";
public static final String deviceWinMob = "windows ce";
public static final String deviceWindows = "windows";
public static final String deviceIeMob = "iemobile";
public static final String enginePie = "wm5 pie"; //An old Windows Mobile
public static final String deviceBB = "blackberry";
public static final String vndRIM = "vnd.rim"; //Detectable when BB devices emulate IE or Firefox
public static final String deviceBBStorm = "blackberry95"; //Storm 1 and 2
public static final String devicePalm = "palm";
public static final String deviceWebOS = "webos"; //For Palm's new WebOS devices
public static final String engineBlazer = "blazer"; //Old Palm
public static final String engineXiino = "xiino"; //Another old Palm
//Initialize variables for mobile-specific content.
public static final String vndwap = "vnd.wap";
public static final String wml = "wml";
//Initialize variables for other random devices and mobile browsers.
public static final String deviceBrew = "brew";
public static final String deviceDanger = "danger";
public static final String deviceHiptop = "hiptop";
public static final String devicePlaystation = "playstation";
public static final String deviceNintendoDs = "nitro";
public static final String deviceNintendo = "nintendo";
public static final String deviceWii = "wii";
public static final String deviceXbox = "xbox";
public static final String deviceArchos = "archos";
public static final String engineOpera = "opera"; //Popular browser
public static final String engineNetfront = "netfront"; //Common embedded OS browser
public static final String engineUpBrowser = "up.browser"; //common on some phones
public static final String engineOpenWeb = "openweb"; //Transcoding by OpenWave server
public static final String deviceMidp = "midp"; //a mobile Java technology
public static final String uplink = "";
public static final String devicePda = "pda"; //some devices report themselves as PDAs
public static final String mini = "mini"; //Some mobile browsers put "mini" in their names.
public static final String mobile = "mobile"; //Some mobile browsers put "mobile" in their user agent strings.
public static final String mobi = "mobi"; //Some mobile browsers put "mobi" in their user agent strings.
//Use Maemo, Tablet, and Linux to test for Nokia"s Internet Tablets.
public static final String maemo = "maemo";
public static final String maemoTablet = "tablet";
public static final String linux = "linux";
public static final String qtembedded = "qt embedded"; //for Sony Mylo
public static final String mylocom2 = "com2"; //for Sony Mylo also
//In some UserAgents, the only clue is the manufacturer.
public static final String manuSonyEricsson = "sonyericsson";
public static final String manuericsson = "ericsson";
public static final String manuSamsung1 = "sec-sgh";
public static final String manuSony = "sony";
//In some UserAgents, the only clue is the operator.
public static final String svcDocomo = "docomo";
public static final String svcKddi = "kddi";
public static final String svcVodafone = "vodafone";
// Standard desktop browser detection strings
public static final String msie = "msie";
public static final String msie60 = "msie 6.0";
public static final String msie61 = "msie 6.1";
public static final String msie7 = "msie 7.0";
public static final String msie8 = "msie 8.0";
public static final String msie9 = "msie 9.0";
public static final String firefox = "firefox";
public static final String safari = "apple";
public static final String chrome = "chrome";
public static final String opera = "presto";
// OS Detection
public static final String windows = "windows";
* Initialize the userAgent and httpAccept variables
* @param userAgent the User-Agent header
* @param httpAccept the Accept header
public UAgentInfo(String userAgent, String httpAccept) {
if (userAgent != null) {
this.userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (httpAccept != null) {
this.httpAccept = httpAccept.toLowerCase();
* Initialize the userAgent and httpAccept variables by getting the headers
* from the HttpServletRequest
* @param request the HttpServletRequest to get the header information from
public UAgentInfo(HttpServletRequest request) {
* Return the lower case HTTP_USER_AGENT
public String getUserAgent() {
return userAgent;
* Return the lower case HTTP_ACCEPT
public String getHttpAccept() {
return httpAccept;
* Detects if the current device is an iPhone.
public boolean detectIphone() {
// The iPod touch says it's an iPhone! So let's disambiguate.
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceIphone) != -1 && !detectIpod();
* Detects if the current device is an iPod Touch.
public boolean detectIpod() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceIpod) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is an iPhone or iPod Touch.
public boolean detectIphoneOrIpod() {
//We repeat the searches here because some iPods may report themselves as an iPhone, which would be okay.
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceIphone) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(deviceIpod) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device.
public boolean detectAndroid() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceAndroid) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device and
* the browser is based on WebKit.
public boolean detectAndroidWebKit() {
return detectAndroid() && detectWebkit();
* Detects if the current browser is based on WebKit.
public boolean detectWebkit() {
return userAgent.indexOf(engineWebKit) != -1;
* Detects if the current browser is the S60 Open Source Browser.
public boolean detectS60OssBrowser() {
//First, test for WebKit, then make sure it's either Symbian or S60.
return detectWebkit() && (userAgent.indexOf(deviceSymbian) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(deviceS60) != -1);
* Detects if the current device is any Symbian OS-based device,
* including older S60, Series 70, Series 80, Series 90, and UIQ,
* or other browsers running on these devices.
public boolean detectSymbianOS() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceSymbian) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(deviceS60) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(deviceS70) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(deviceS80) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(deviceS90) != -1;
* Detects if the current browser is a Windows Mobile device.
public boolean detectWindowsMobile() {
//Most devices use 'Windows CE', but some report 'iemobile'
// and some older ones report as 'PIE' for Pocket IE.
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceWinMob) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(deviceIeMob) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(enginePie) != -1 ||
(detectWapWml() && userAgent.indexOf(deviceWindows) != -1);
* Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry of some sort.
public boolean detectBlackBerry() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceBB) != -1 || httpAccept.indexOf(vndRIM) != -1;
* Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry Touch
* device, such as the Storm
public boolean detectBlackBerryTouch() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceBBStorm) != -1;
* Detects if the current browser is on a PalmOS device.
public boolean detectPalmOS() {
//Most devices nowadays report as 'Palm', but some older ones reported as Blazer or Xiino.
if (userAgent.indexOf(devicePalm) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(engineBlazer) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(engineXiino) != -1 && !detectPalmWebOS()) {
//Make sure it's not WebOS first
if (detectPalmWebOS()) { return false; }
else { return true; }
return false;
* Detects if the current browser is on a Palm device
* running the new WebOS.
public boolean detectPalmWebOS() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceWebOS) != -1;
* Check to see whether the device is any device
* in the 'smartphone' category.
public boolean detectSmartphone() {
return (detectIphoneOrIpod() ||
detectS60OssBrowser() ||
detectSymbianOS() ||
detectWindowsMobile() ||
detectBlackBerry() ||
detectPalmOS() ||
detectPalmWebOS() ||
* Detects whether the device is a Brew-powered device.
public boolean detectBrewDevice() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceBrew) != -1;
* Detects the Danger Hiptop device.
public boolean detectDangerHiptop() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceDanger) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(deviceHiptop) != -1;
* Detects Opera Mobile or Opera Mini.
* Added by AHand
public boolean detectOperaMobile() {
return userAgent.indexOf(engineOpera) != -1 && (userAgent.indexOf(mini) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(mobi) != -1);
* Detects whether the device supports WAP or WML.
public boolean detectWapWml() {
return httpAccept.indexOf(vndwap) != -1 || httpAccept.indexOf(wml) != -1;
* The quick way to detect for a mobile device.
* Will probably detect most recent/current mid-tier Feature Phones
* as well as smartphone-class devices.
public boolean detectMobileQuick() {
//Ordered roughly by market share, WAP/XML > Brew > Smartphone.
if (detectWapWml()) { return true; }
if (detectBrewDevice()) { return true; }
// Updated by AHand
if (detectOperaMobile()) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(engineUpBrowser) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(engineOpenWeb) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceMidp) != -1) { return true; }
if (detectSmartphone()) { return true; }
if (detectDangerHiptop()) { return true; }
if (detectMidpCapable()) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(devicePda) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(mobile) != -1) { return true; }
//detect older phones from certain manufacturers and operators.
if (userAgent.indexOf(uplink) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(manuSonyEricsson) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(manuericsson) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(manuSamsung1) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(svcDocomo) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(svcKddi) != -1) { return true; }
if (userAgent.indexOf(svcVodafone) != -1) { return true; }
return false;
* Detects if the current device is a Sony Playstation.
public boolean detectSonyPlaystation() {
return userAgent.indexOf(devicePlaystation) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is a Nintendo game device.
public boolean detectNintendo() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceNintendo) != -1 || userAgent.indexOf(deviceWii) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(deviceNintendoDs) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is a Microsoft Xbox.
public boolean detectXbox() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceXbox) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is an Internet-capable game console.
public boolean detectGameConsole() {
return detectSonyPlaystation() || detectNintendo() || detectXbox();
* Detects if the current device supports MIDP, a mobile Java technology.
public boolean detectMidpCapable() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceMidp) != -1 || httpAccept.indexOf(deviceMidp) != -1;
* Detects if the current device is on one of the Maemo-based Nokia Internet Tablets.
public boolean detectMaemoTablet() {
return (userAgent.indexOf(maemo) != -1 || (userAgent.indexOf(maemoTablet) != -1 && userAgent.indexOf(linux) != -1));
* Detects if the current device is an Archos media player/Internet tablet.
public boolean detectArchos() {
return userAgent.indexOf(deviceArchos) != -1;
* Detects if the current browser is a Sony Mylo device.
* Updated by AHand
public boolean detectSonyMylo() {
return userAgent.indexOf(manuSony) != -1 && (userAgent.indexOf(qtembedded) != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf(mylocom2) != -1);
* The longer and more thorough way to detect for a mobile device.
* Will probably detect most feature phones,
* smartphone-class devices, Internet Tablets,
* Internet-enabled game consoles, etc.
* This ought to catch a lot of the more obscure and older devices, also --
* but no promises on thoroughness!
public boolean detectMobileLong() {
return detectMobileQuick() || detectMaemoTablet() || detectGameConsole();
// For Desktop Browsers
public boolean detectMSIE() {
return userAgent.indexOf(msie) != -1;
public boolean detectMSIE6() {
return userAgent.indexOf(msie60) != -1 && userAgent.indexOf(msie61) != -1;
public boolean detectMSIE7() {
return userAgent.indexOf(msie7) != -1;
public boolean detectMSIE8() {
return userAgent.indexOf(msie8) != -1;
public boolean detectMSIE9() {
return userAgent.indexOf(msie9) != -1;
public boolean detectFirefox() {
return userAgent.indexOf(firefox) != -1;
public boolean detectSafari() {
return userAgent.indexOf(safari) != -1;
public boolean detectChrome() {
return userAgent.indexOf(chrome) != -1;
public boolean detectOpera() {
return userAgent.indexOf(opera) != -1;
public boolean detectWindows() {
return userAgent.indexOf(windows) != -1;
// For Mobile Web Site Design
* The quick way to detect for a tier of devices.
* This method detects for devices which can
* display iPhone-optimized web content.
* Includes iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Palm WebOS, etc.
public boolean detectTierIphone() {
return detectIphoneOrIpod() || detectPalmWebOS() || detectAndroid() || detectAndroidWebKit();
* The quick way to detect for a tier of devices.
* This method detects for all smartphones, but
* excludes the iPhone Tier devices.
public boolean detectTierSmartphones() {
return detectSmartphone() && (!detectTierIphone());
* The quick way to detect for a tier of devices.
* This method detects for all other types of phones,
* but excludes the iPhone and Smartphone Tier devices.
public boolean detectTierOtherPhones() {
return detectMobileQuick() && (!detectTierIphone()) && (!detectTierSmartphones());
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