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Created December 5, 2017 01:10
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POO Datasheet example
import React from 'react'
import Select from 'react-select'
import _ from 'lodash'
import Datasheet from '../lib/DataSheet'
export default class ComponentSheet extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.options = [
{ label: 'Bread', value: 2.35 },
{ label: 'Berries', value: 3.05 },
{ label: 'Milk', value: 3.99 },
{ label: 'Apples', value: 4.35 },
{ label: 'Chicken', value: 9.95 },
{ label: 'Yoghurt', value: 4.65 },
{ label: 'Onions', value: 3.45 },
{ label: 'Salad', value: 1.55 }
this.state = {
grocery: {},
items: 3
generateGrid () {
const groceryValue = (id) => {
if ([id]) {
const {label, value} =[id]
return `${label} (${value})`
} else {
return ''
const component = (id) => {
return (
value={this.state &&[id]}
onChange={(opt) => this.setState({grocery: _.assign(, {[id]: opt})})}
const total = _.reduce(_.values(, (res, val, key) => {
res += (val && val.value) || 0
return res
}, 0)
let rows = [
[{readOnly: true, colSpan: 2, value: 'Shopping List'}],
{readOnly: true, value: ''},
value: 'Grocery Item',
component: (
<div className={'add-grocery'}> Grocery List
<div className={'add-button'} onClick={()=>{console.log("add");this.setState({items: this.state.items+1})}}> add item</div>
forceComponent: true
rows = rows.concat(_.range(1, this.state.items + 1).map(id => [{readOnly: true, value: `Item ${id}`}, {value: groceryValue(id), component: component(id)}]))
rows = rows.concat([[{readOnly: true, value: 'Total'}, {readOnly: true, value: `${total.toFixed(2)} $`}]])
return rows
render () {
return (
valueRenderer={(cell) => cell.value}
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