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Last active July 31, 2024 04:08
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  state "wake up" as wakeUp
  state "grab a brush" as grabBrush
  state "put a little makeup" as makeUp
  state "hide the scars" as hideScars
  state "fade away the shakeup" as fadeShakeup
  state "leave the keys upon the table" as leaveKeys
  [*] --> wakeUp
  wakeUp --> grabBrush
  grabBrush -->  makeUp
  makeUp --> hideScars
  hideScars --> fadeShakeup
  fadeShakeup --> leaveKeys: Why?

  state wantedTo <<choice>>
  leaveKeys --> wantedTo: create another?

  wantedTo --> fable: yes

  state fable {
  state "wake up" as wakeUp1
  state "grab a brush" as grabBrush1
  state "put a little makeup" as makeUp1
  state "hide the scars" as hideScars1
  state "fade away the shakeup" as fadeShakeup1
  state "leave the keys upon the table" as leaveKeys1
  [*] --> wakeUp1
  wakeUp1 --> grabBrush1
  grabBrush1 -->  makeUp1
  makeUp1 --> hideScars1
  hideScars1 --> fadeShakeup1
  fadeShakeup1 --> leaveKeys1: Why?
  leaveKeys1 --> [*]
  state "commend spirit" as commendSpirit
  wantedTo --> commendSpirit: no

  fable --> commendSpirit
  commendSpirit --> [*]
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