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Last active September 15, 2017 13:53
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Shortcut for creating a trgm index (`pg_tgrm`).
defmodule Core.Repo.Migration do
@moduledoc """
Migrations are used to modify your database schema over time.
This module provides many helpers for migrating the database, along with the ones provided
by `Ecto.Migration`.
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
use Ecto.Migration
import unquote(__MODULE__)
@doc """
Shortcut for creating a trgm index (`pg_tgrm`).
See `Ecto.Migration.index/3` for more information.
@spec trgm_index(atom, atom, Keyword.t) :: map
def trgm_index(table, column, opts \\ []) do
opts = Keyword.merge([using: "GIN", name: "#{table}_#{column}_trgm_index"], opts)
Ecto.Migration.index(table, ["#{column} gin_trgm_ops"], opts)
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