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Last active November 19, 2016 04:40
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Save ferventcoder/6251225 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install Vagrant-Windows plugin from source
# =======
# This assumes you already have chocolatey installed:
# From cmd.exe:
# @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin
# From powershell:
# iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
# This assumes you have vagrant already installed:
# cinst vagrant
# or (for specific version):
# cinst vagrant -version 1.2.7
# NOTE: It really needs to be 1.2.7-ish
# This assumes you already have virtualbox installed:
# cinst virtualbox
# Check your ruby version:
# ruby -v
# if you don't have 1.9.3 installed, install it with the command below:
# cinst ruby -version
# once installed, please restart the command line. This is important, so don't miss it.
# do you have Dev Kit installed?
# cinst ruby.devkit
# =======
# OSX / Linux
# ===========
# You should be ready if you have vagrant installed. Make sure you are using the offical installer
# and NOT the deprecated vagrant gem.
# ===========
# any system
gem install bundler
git clone vagrant-windows
cd vagrant-windows
git checkout -t origin/vagrant-1.2
bundle install
bundle exec rake
vagrant plugin install pkg/vagrant-windows-1.2.0.gem
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This is rudimentary and not necessarily meant to go into a script. Execute each command successively on the successful completion of the prior command

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This script can take you from a blank system to having everything installed (at least on windows).

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If you want this to work with puppet, you also need to pull this PR as well before you build the gem - WinRb/vagrant-windows#82

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NOTE: Vagrant 1.2.7 is required. And this is the OFFICIAL installer (aka DMG for OSX of Vagrant). The vagrant gem is deprecated.

I repeat, the vagrant gem has been deprecated and no longer should be used.

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cdmoye commented Oct 15, 2013

I can't seem to get the installation to work with vagrant 1.3.4. Has there been any updates to vagrant-windows to provide support for the newer versions of vagrant?

It's a RHEL 6 box, and the offender seems to be the compilation of libxml2 (it's dying with an undefinied reference to gzopen64)... This is with a fresh box and running "vagrant plugin install vagrant-windows" (though the same sort of symptoms occur when following this gist).

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@cdmoye Gists do not do notifications - I later found that you want 1.3.5 as the minimum required version. You already know since this is over two years later that Vagrant natively supports Windows as of 1.6.0, so the plugin is deprecated.

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