Here is the list of talks that I found most useful to me.
- SOLID Object-Oriented Design by Sandi Metz
- Bob Martin - SOLID Principles of Object Oriented and Agile Design (Need to chose the most cool version).
- Bob Martin - The S.O.L.I.D. Principles of OO and Agile Design
- Sandi Metz - The Magic Tricks of Testing
- J.B. Rainsberger - Integrated Tests Are A Scam
- David West - OOP is Dead! Long Live OODD!
- Bob Martin - Agility and Architecture
- Greg Young - Stop Over-Engenering
- Greg Young - The Long Sad History of MicroServices (TM)
- Greg Young - 8 lines of code
- Mike Cohn - User Stories
- Gojko Adzic - Specification By Example
- "Molly Dishman & Martin Fowler Keynote - Agile Architecture"
- Allen Holub - Agile Architecture Part 1
- Allen Holub - Agile Architecture Part 2
- Bob Martin - The Future of Programming
- Dave Thomas - Agile is Dead
- J.B. Rainsberger - Surviving Your Inevitable Agile Transition
- Allen Holub - #NoEstimates
- Mike Cohn - Agile Estimating
- Stephen Carver - Space Shuttle