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Last active March 1, 2021 07:55
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From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Section Dijkstra.
Import Order.TTheory.
Variable V : finType.
Variable C : orderType tt.
Variable adj : V -> V -> C -> C.
Hypothesis adj_increase : forall v u c, (c <= adj v u c)%O.
Hypothesis adj_monotone : forall c c', (c <= c')%O -> forall v u, (adj v u c <= adj v u c')%O.
Section WithC0.
Variable c0 : C.
Fixpoint cost_of_path t p :=
if p is v :: p
then adj t v (cost_of_path v p)
else c0.
Lemma cost_of_path_cons : forall t v p, cost_of_path t (v :: p) = adj t v (cost_of_path v p).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma cost_of_path_increase : forall p t,
(c0 <= cost_of_path t p)%O.
elim => //= ? ? ? ?.
exact /(le_trans (adj_increase _ _ _)) /adj_monotone.
Definition shortest_path t p :=
forall p', last t p' = last t p -> (cost_of_path t p <= cost_of_path t p')%O.
Fixpoint dijkstra_rec n vs ps :=
if n is n.+1
if vs is v :: _
let u := [arg min_(u < v in vs) cost_of_path u (ps u)]%O in
dijkstra_rec n (rem u vs) (fun v => if (cost_of_path v (ps v) <= adj v u (cost_of_path u (ps u)))%O then ps v else u :: ps u)
else ps
else ps.
Definition dijkstra s :=
dijkstra_rec (#|V|.-1) (rem s (enum V)) (fun v => if v == s then [::] else [:: s]).
End WithC0.
Lemma cost_of_path_rcons s c0 : forall p t,
cost_of_path c0 t (rcons p s) = cost_of_path (adj (last t p) s c0) t p.
Proof. by elim => //= ? ? ->. Qed.
Lemma dijkstra_rec_correct c0 s : forall n vs,
size vs = n ->
uniq vs ->
forall ps,
(forall u, last u (ps u) = s) ->
(forall v, { in ps v, forall u, u \notin vs }) ->
(forall u, u \notin vs -> { in vs, forall v p, last v p = s -> (cost_of_path c0 u (ps u) <= cost_of_path c0 v p)%O }) ->
(forall v p, { in p, forall u, u \notin vs } \/ v \notin vs -> last v p = s -> (cost_of_path c0 v (ps v) <= cost_of_path c0 v p)%O) ->
(forall v, last v (dijkstra_rec c0 n vs ps v) = s) /\
(forall v, shortest_path c0 v (dijkstra_rec c0 n vs ps v)).
elim => /= [ ? /size0nil -> ? | ? IHn [ | v vs ] //= /succn_inj ? ? ] ps Hs Hps Hsep Hlb.
- split => // ? ?. rewrite Hs. exact /Hlb /or_intror.
- set u := [arg min_(u < v in v :: vs) cost_of_path c0 u (ps u)]%O.
have -> : (if v == u then vs else v :: rem u vs) = rem u (v :: vs) by [].
have [ Hin Hlb' ] : u \in v :: vs /\ { in v :: vs, forall w, (cost_of_path c0 u (ps u) <= cost_of_path c0 w (ps w))%O }.
{ have /(@Order.TotalTheory.arg_minP _ _ _ v
(fun u => u \in v :: vs) (fun u => cost_of_path c0 u (ps u)))
: v \in v :: vs by rewrite in_cons eqxx.
by inversion 1. }
have IHp : { in v :: vs, forall x p p',
{ in p', forall u, u \notin v :: vs } ->
last (last x (rev p)) p' = s ->
(cost_of_path c0 u (ps u) <= cost_of_path (cost_of_path c0 (last x (rev p)) p') x (rev p))%O }.
{ move => x ?.
elim => /= [ ? ? ? | y p IHp p' Hnotin ].
- apply /(@le_trans _ _ (cost_of_path c0 x (ps x))).
+ exact /Hlb'.
+ apply /Hlb; eauto.
- rewrite rev_cons last_rcons => ?.
case (boolP (y \in v :: vs)) => ?.
+ apply /(@le_trans _ _ (cost_of_path c0 y (ps y))).
{ exact /Hlb'. }
apply /(@le_trans _ _ (cost_of_path c0 y p')).
{ by refine (Hlb _ _ (or_introl _) _). }
exact /cost_of_path_increase.
+ rewrite cost_of_path_rcons.
apply /(IHp (y :: p')) => // ?.
by rewrite in_cons => /orP [ /eqP -> | /Hnotin ]. }
have Hu : { in v :: vs, forall x p,
last x p = s ->
(cost_of_path c0 u (ps u) <= cost_of_path c0 x p)%O }.
{ move => ? /IHp IH p. move: (IH (rev p) [::]). rewrite /= revK. by apply. }
apply /IHn => [ | | ? | w | w | w p ].
+ by rewrite size_rem.
+ exact /rem_uniq.
+ by rewrite !(fun_if (last _)) /= !Hs if_same.
+ case (cost_of_path c0 w (ps w) <= adj w u (cost_of_path c0 u (ps u)))%O => ?;
rewrite rem_filter // mem_filter negb_and.
* move => /Hps ->. by rewrite orbT.
* rewrite in_cons => /orP [ /= -> // | /Hps -> ]. by rewrite orbT.
+ rewrite rem_filter // mem_filter negb_and => /orP [ /negbNE /eqP -> x | ? x ];
rewrite mem_filter => /andP [ ? ? ] ? ?;
rewrite (fun_if (cost_of_path _ _)) -minEle le_minl.
* by rewrite Hu.
* by rewrite Hsep.
+ rewrite rem_filter // mem_filter negb_and
(fun_if (cost_of_path _ _)) cost_of_path_cons -minEle le_minl.
case (boolP (w \in v :: vs)) => [ Hin' | Hnotin ? ? ].
* rewrite Hin' orbF => [ [ | /negbNE /eqP -> /(Hu _ Hin) -> // ] ].
{ case: p => [ ? ? | x p Hnotin ].
- rewrite Hlb //. by left.
- have /Hnotin : x \in x :: p by rewrite in_cons eqxx.
rewrite mem_filter negb_and => /= /orP [ /negbNE /eqP -> | ? ] ?.
+ exact /orP /or_intror /adj_monotone /Hu.
+ apply /orP /or_introl /(@le_trans _ _ (cost_of_path c0 w (x :: ps x))).
{ apply /Hlb => //=. left => ?. by rewrite in_cons => /orP [ /eqP -> | /Hps ]. }
apply /adj_monotone /Hlb => //. by right. }
* apply /orP /or_introl /Hlb; eauto.
Theorem dijkstra_correct c0 s :
(forall u, last u (dijkstra c0 s u) = s) /\
(forall v, shortest_path c0 v (dijkstra c0 s v)).
apply /dijkstra_rec_correct => [ | | u | v ? | ? | v [ /= ? <- | /= u p ] ].
- by rewrite size_rem ?cardE ?mem_enum.
- apply /rem_uniq /enum_uniq.
- rewrite !(fun_if (last _)) /=. by case (eqVneq u s).
- case (eqVneq v s) => //.
by rewrite inE (rem_filter _ (enum_uniq _)) mem_filter negb_and => /= ? ->.
- rewrite (rem_filter _ (enum_uniq _)) mem_filter negb_and mem_enum orbF => /= /negbNE -> ? ? ? ?.
exact /cost_of_path_increase.
- by rewrite eqxx lexx.
- rewrite (fun_if (cost_of_path _ _)) /= (rem_filter _ (enum_uniq _)) mem_filter negb_and mem_enum orbF /=.
case (eqVneq v s) => /= [ -> ? ? | ? [ ] // Hnotin ].
+ exact /(le_trans (adj_increase _ _ _)) /adj_monotone /cost_of_path_increase.
+ have /Hnotin : u \in u :: p by rewrite in_cons eqxx.
rewrite mem_filter negb_and mem_enum orbF => /negbNE /eqP -> ?.
exact /adj_monotone /cost_of_path_increase.
End Dijkstra.
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