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Created January 18, 2013 13:29
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function criarCampoEvaluated() {
var cursor = db.website_performance.find({evaluated: {$exists: false}});
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var doc =;
if (doc) {
db.website_performance.update(doc, {$set: {evaluated: false}});
printjson( doc );
function resumirSitesPausadosIndevidamenteBM() {
var cursor = db.website_performance.find({impressions: {$gte: 25000}, evaluated: false, leads: {$gt: 0}, revenue: 0}, {cpId:1, adId:1, domain:1});
var dadb = db.getSiblingDB('dadb')
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var doc =;
if (doc) {
var query = {ad_id: doc.adId, domain: doc.domain};
var update = {$set: {weight: 1}};
dadb.rtb_bid_reference_domain.update(query, update);
function resumirSitesPausadosIndevidamenteWN() {
var cursor = db.website_performance.find({$and: [{impressions: {$gte: 10000}}, {impressions: {$lt: 25000}}], leads: 0});
var dadb = db.getSiblingDB('dadb')
var count = 1;
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var doc =;
if (doc) {
var ctr = (doc.clicks / doc.impressions) * 100;
if (ctr > 0.05) {
var query = {ad_id: doc.adId, domain: doc.domain};
var update = {$set: {weight: 1}};
dadb.rtb_bid_reference_domain.update(query, update);
print('Count ' + count++ + ' | ' + doc.cpId + '-' + doc.adId + ' - ' + doc.domain + ' - CTR: ' + ctr);
function calcularWinRate(campaign) {
var cursor = db.website_performance.find({cpId: campaign});
var sumImps = 0;
var sumBids = 0;
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var doc =;
if (doc) {
sumImps += doc.impressions;
sumBids += doc.bids;
if (sumImps != 0 && sumBids != 0) {
print('Win rate for campaign ' + campaign + ' = ' + sumImps/sumBids);
} else {
print('Can not calculate win rate for campaign ' + campaign + ' = ' + sumImps + '-' + sumBids);
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