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Created January 27, 2020 20:56
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  • Save ffrank/c99e596c1a92d5a03ef2b16a3e2c8b53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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root@dev-app01-ffrank:/home/demo/git/presentations/2020-02-puppet-from-mgmt-on-overdrive# cat demo3/supported.mcl
pkg "haproxy" {
state => "installed",
file "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf" {
mode => "0640",
svc "haproxy" {
startup => "enabled",
Pkg["haproxy"] -> File["/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf"]
File["/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf"] -> Svc["haproxy"]
root@dev-app01-ffrank:/home/demo/git/presentations/2020-02-puppet-from-mgmt-on-overdrive# mgmt run --tmp-prefix lang demo3/supported.mcl
2020-01-27 21:53:55.468558 I | cli: lang: lexing/parsing...
2020-01-27 21:53:55.481105 I | cli: lang: init...
2020-01-27 21:53:55.481285 I | cli: lang: interpolating...
2020-01-27 21:53:55.481463 I | cli: lang: building scope...
2020-01-27 21:53:55.481689 I | cli: lang: running type unification...
2020-01-27 21:53:55.482180 I | cli: lang: input: demo3/supported.mcl
2020-01-27 21:53:55.482246 I | cli: lang: tree:
├── metadata.yaml
└── supported.mcl
This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.21-65-g1f6640c
Copyright (C) 2013-2020+ James Shubin and the project contributors
Written by James Shubin <[email protected]> and the project contributors
21:53:55 main: start: 1580158435482455578
21:53:55 main: warning: working prefix directory is temporary!
21:53:55 main: working prefix is: /tmp/mgmt-dev-app01-ffrank-818059402
21:53:56 PGP: Created key: 1D9F8A8D
21:53:56 main: no seeds specified!
21:53:56 etcd: running...
21:53:56 etcd: watching chooser...
21:53:56 etcd: bootstrapping...
21:53:56 etcd: nominated: dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380
21:53:56 etcd: waiting for server...
21:53:56 etcd: server: runServer: (newCluster=true): dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380
21:53:56 etcd: server: starting...
21:53:56 etcd: server: ready
21:53:56 etcd: connect...
21:53:56 etcd: connected!
21:53:56 etcd: chooser: set dynamic cluster size to: 5
21:53:56 etcd: watching nominees...
21:53:56 etcd: nominated: dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380
21:53:56 etcd: watching volunteers...
21:53:56 etcd: volunteering...
21:53:56 etcd: watching endpoints...
21:53:56 main: etcd is ready!
21:53:56 main: waiting...
21:53:56 main: running...
21:53:56 main: waiting...
21:53:56 gapi: generating new graph...
21:53:56 gapi: swap!
21:53:56 gapi: lang: lexing/parsing...
21:53:56 etcd: volunteers: dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380
21:53:56 etcd: chooser: (dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380)/(dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380)
21:53:56 etcd: chooser result(+/-): []/[]
21:53:56 etcd: volunteers: dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380
21:53:56 etcd: chooser: (dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380)/(dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380)
21:53:56 etcd: chooser result(+/-): []/[]
21:53:56 gapi: lang: init...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: interpolating...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: building scope...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: running type unification...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: building function graph...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: function engine initializing...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: function engine validating...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: function engine starting...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: stream...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: loop...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("enabled")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("enabled")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("0640")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("0640")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("installed")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("installed")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` started
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` changed
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` stopped
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` stopped
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf")` stopped
21:53:56 gapi: generating new graph...
21:53:56 gapi: generating new graph...
21:53:56 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("enabled")` stopped
21:53:56 gapi: lang: running interpret...
21:53:56 engine: autoedge: adding autoedges...
21:54:01 engine: autoedge: the auto edge list is empty for: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:01 engine: autogroup: algorithm: wrappedGrouper: NonReachabilityGrouper...
21:54:01 main: commit...
21:54:01 engine: graph sync...
21:54:06 main: graph: Vertices(3), Edges(2)
21:54:06 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:06 engine: Worker(svc[haproxy])
21:54:06 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:06 engine: Watch(svc[haproxy])
21:54:06 engine: Worker(pkg[haproxy])
21:54:06 engine: pkg[haproxy]: CheckApply(true)
21:54:06 main: waiting...
21:54:06 engine: pkg[haproxy]: resource: Check: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:06 gapi: lang: running interpret...
21:54:06 gapi: generating new graph...
21:54:06 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("0640")` stopped
21:54:06 engine: Watch(pkg[haproxy])
21:54:06 engine: autoedge: adding autoedges...
21:54:06 engine: svc[haproxy]: resource: failed to find svc
21:54:06 engine: svc[haproxy]: resource: waiting fo service
21:54:13 engine: pkg[haproxy]: resource: Apply: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:13 engine: pkg[haproxy]: resource: Set(installed): pkg[haproxy]...
21:54:13 engine: pkg[haproxy]: resource: Set(installed) success: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:13 engine: pkg[haproxy]: CheckApply(true): Return(false, <nil>)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: contentCheckApply(true)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: sourceCheckApply(true)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: fragmentsCheckApply(true)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chownCheckApply(true)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chmodCheckApply(true)
21:54:13 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true): Return(false, stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory)
21:54:13 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:13 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory
error during Process()
21:54:14 engine: autoedge: the auto edge list is empty for: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:14 engine: autogroup: algorithm: wrappedGrouper: NonReachabilityGrouper...
21:54:14 main: commit...
21:54:14 engine: graph sync...
21:54:14 main: graph: Vertices(3), Edges(2)
21:54:14 main: waiting...
21:54:14 gapi: lang: running interpret...
21:54:14 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true)
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: contentCheckApply(true)
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: sourceCheckApply(true)
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: fragmentsCheckApply(true)
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chownCheckApply(true)
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chmodCheckApply(true)
21:54:14 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true): Return(false, stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory)
21:54:14 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:14 engine: autoedge: adding autoedges...
21:54:14 gapi: generating new graph...
21:54:14 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("installed")` stopped
21:54:14 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:14 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory
error during Process()
21:54:19 engine: autoedge: the auto edge list is empty for: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:19 engine: autogroup: algorithm: wrappedGrouper: NonReachabilityGrouper...
21:54:19 main: commit...
21:54:19 engine: graph sync...
21:54:19 main: graph: Vertices(3), Edges(2)
21:54:19 main: waiting...
21:54:19 gapi: lang: running interpret...
21:54:19 engine: autoedge: adding autoedges...
21:54:19 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:19 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true)
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: contentCheckApply(true)
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: sourceCheckApply(true)
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: fragmentsCheckApply(true)
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chownCheckApply(true)
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chmodCheckApply(true)
21:54:19 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true): Return(false, stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory)
21:54:19 gapi: generating new graph...
21:54:19 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` stopped
21:54:19 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:19 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory
error during Process()
^C21:54:21 interrupted by ^C
21:54:21 main: destroy...
21:54:24 engine: autoedge: the auto edge list is empty for: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:24 engine: autogroup: algorithm: wrappedGrouper: NonReachabilityGrouper...
21:54:24 main: commit...
21:54:24 engine: graph sync...
21:54:24 main: graph: Vertices(3), Edges(2)
21:54:24 main: waiting...
21:54:24 gapi: lang: running interpret...
21:54:24 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true)
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: contentCheckApply(true)
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: sourceCheckApply(true)
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: fragmentsCheckApply(true)
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chownCheckApply(true)
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chmodCheckApply(true)
21:54:24 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true): Return(false, stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory)
21:54:24 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:24 engine: autoedge: adding autoedges...
21:54:24 gapi: generating new graph...
21:54:24 gapi: lang: funcs: func `str("haproxy")` stopped
21:54:24 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:24 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory
error during Process()
21:54:29 engine: autoedge: the auto edge list is empty for: pkg[haproxy]
21:54:29 engine: autogroup: algorithm: wrappedGrouper: NonReachabilityGrouper...
21:54:29 main: commit...
21:54:29 engine: graph sync...
21:54:29 main: graph: Vertices(3), Edges(2)
21:54:29 main: waiting...
21:54:29 main: deploy: exited
21:54:29 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:29 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf])
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true)
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: contentCheckApply(true)
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: sourceCheckApply(true)
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: fragmentsCheckApply(true)
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chownCheckApply(true)
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: resource: chmodCheckApply(true)
21:54:29 engine: file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]: CheckApply(true): Return(false, stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory)
21:54:29 main: loop: exited
21:54:29 engine: graph sync...
21:54:29 engine: Watch(svc[haproxy]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:29 engine: Worker(svc[haproxy]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:29 engine: Watch(pkg[haproxy]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:29 engine: Worker(pkg[haproxy]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:29 engine: Watch(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(<nil>)
21:54:29 engine: Worker(file[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf]): Exited(stat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf: no such file or directory
error during Process()
21:54:29 etcd: destroy...
21:54:29 etcd: unvolunteering...
21:54:29 etcd: list of volunteers is empty
21:54:29 etcd: chooser: (dev-app01-ffrank=http://localhost:2380)/()
21:54:29 etcd: chooser result(+/-): []/[dev-app01-ffrank]
21:54:29 etcd: unnominated: shutting down 1 members...
21:54:29 etcd: unnominate: removing self...
21:54:29 etcd: list of nominations is empty
21:54:29 etcd: server: destroyServer...
21:54:29 etcd: server: runServer: done!
21:54:29 etcd: server: destroyServer: done!
21:54:29 main: goodbye!
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