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Example of reading an excel file with PHPExcel
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
var _validFileExtensions = [".xls", ".xlsx", ".csv"];
function ValidateSingleInput(oInput) {
if (oInput.type == "file") {
var sFileName = oInput.value;
if (sFileName.length > 0) {
var blnValid = false;
for (var j = 0; j < _validFileExtensions.length; j++) {
var sCurExtension = _validFileExtensions[j];
if (sFileName.substr(sFileName.length - sCurExtension.length, sCurExtension.length).toLowerCase() == sCurExtension.toLowerCase()) {
blnValid = true;
if (!blnValid) {
alert("Sorry, " + sFileName + " is invalid, allowed extensions are: " + _validFileExtensions.join(", "));
oInput.value = "";
return false;
return true;
<div class="container">
<h1>PHPExcel reading an Excel file</h1>
<p class="lead">This code reads the first four columns of an Excel file. <a href="">PHPExcel available here</a> Just download the Classes folder</p>
if(isset($_FILES['excel']) && $_FILES['excel']['error']==0) {
require_once "Classes/PHPExcel.php";
$tmpfname = $_FILES['excel']['tmp_name'];
$excelReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($tmpfname);
$excelObj = $excelReader->load($tmpfname);
$worksheet = $excelObj->getSheet(0);
$lastRow = $worksheet->getHighestRow();
echo "<table class=\"table table-sm\">";
for ($row = 1; $row <= $lastRow; $row++) {
echo "<tr><td scope=\"row\">";
echo $worksheet->getCell('A'.$row)->getValue();
echo "</td><td>";
echo $worksheet->getCell('B'.$row)->getValue();
echo "</td><td>";
echo $worksheet->getCell('C'.$row)->getValue();
echo "</td><td>";
echo $worksheet->getCell('D'.$row)->getValue();
echo "</td><tr>";
echo "</table>";
<div class="container">
<form action = "" method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data">
<input type = "file" name = "excel" onchange="ValidateSingleInput(this)" />
<input type = "submit"/>
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hamzaDv commented Oct 9, 2019


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sergx commented Oct 24, 2020


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running php 8 I got the following error:

Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in /var/www/html/engineering/master_tool_list_upload/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/String.php on line 526

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