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Last active August 31, 2020 06:55
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Super-fast sort - uniq for ngram counting

The problem:

  • 1.3TB data with 5B lines in a 72GB .gz file
  • Need to sort the lines and get a count for each unique line, basically a sort | uniq -c
  • Have a machine with 24 cores, 128GB of memory, but not 1.3TB of free disk space
  • Solution: sort | uniq -c with lots of non-standard options and pigz to take care of compression

Here's the sort part, uniq I used as usual.

export LC_ALL=C
pigz -d -c $INPUT -p 4 | sort -S 50G --parallel 20 -T /mnt/ssd/tmp --compress-program "./" | pigz -b 2048 -p 20 > $OUTPUT

where is just

pigz -b 2048 -p 20 $*

The options are

  • -S gives a huge buffer for sort to work with (it only takes few seconds to sort this amount of data!)
  • --parallel makes sort quite a bit faster if you have the cores to spare
  • -T places the temporary files sort produces onto an SSD drive we happen to have
  • --compress-program tells sort to compress these temporary files using, which is just a wrapper script around pigz
  • pigz -p 20 uses up to 20 cores to compress the data
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