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Created August 20, 2024 01:01
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from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from geopy.distance import geodesic
def snap_to_nearest_node(point, nodes, tolerance):
for node in nodes:
if geodesic((point.y, point.x), (node.y, node.x)).meters <= tolerance:
return node
return point
def create_nodes_edges(line_strings, tolerance=1.0):
# Step 1: Merge all line strings into a single MultiLineString
merged_lines = unary_union(line_strings)
# Step 2: Extract nodes and edges with snapping using geodesic distances
nodes = []
edges = []
for line in merged_lines:
if isinstance(line, LineString):
coords = list(line.coords)
snapped_start = snap_to_nearest_node(Point(coords[0]), nodes, tolerance)
snapped_end = snap_to_nearest_node(Point(coords[-1]), nodes, tolerance)
if snapped_start not in nodes:
if snapped_end not in nodes:
edges.append((snapped_start, snapped_end))
for segment in line:
coords = list(segment.coords)
snapped_start = snap_to_nearest_node(Point(coords[0]), nodes, tolerance)
snapped_end = snap_to_nearest_node(Point(coords[-1]), nodes, tolerance)
if snapped_start not in nodes:
if snapped_end not in nodes:
edges.append((snapped_start, snapped_end))
return nodes, edges
# Example usage with lat/lon data
line1 = LineString([(-73.9857, 40.7484), (-73.9851, 40.7485)])
line2 = LineString([(-73.9851, 40.7485), (-73.9845, 40.7486)])
line3 = LineString([(-73.9845, 40.7486), (-73.9839, 40.7487)])
# The tolerance is set in meters
nodes, edges = create_nodes_edges([line1, line2, line3], tolerance=5.0)
for node in nodes:
for edge in edges:
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