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Brian Hammond fictorial

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* This is a simple program to run Node.js as the
* specified user and in a chroot.
* gcc -o chrooted-node chrooted-node.c
* USE:
* sudo chrooted-node <as-user> <chroot-dir> <file.js>
* Tries to create the directories of the given path
* if they do not exist already.
this.mkpath = function(path, mode) {
var parts = path.split('/');
if (!parts || parts.length == 0)
// Process files in optimally-sized chunks without
// reading the entire file into memory.
var posix = require("posix");
this.FileOpenError = function (path, message) {
this.message = message || "failed to open file";
this.path = path;
GLOBAL.import_package = function(name) {
var package = {};
.filter(function (filename) {
return filename.match(/^(.+)\.js$/);
.forEach(function (filename) {
var basename = filename.split(/^(.+)\.js$/)[1];
package[basename] = require("./" + name + "/" + basename);
* A PromiseChain calls multiple functions in the same order added, and
* expects each function to return a Promise. The next function or link in
* the chain is invoked only when the previous promise emits success. The next
* function is passed the result of the previous function emits on success.
* A PromiseChain itself has a Promise to track overall success/failure of the
* chain. If all functions in the chain emit success, the chain's Promise emits
* success in turn, passing the value emitted by the last link/function of the
* chain.
#!/usr/bin/env node
var promise_chain = require("../promise_chain"),
test = require("mjsunit"),
sys = require("sys");
function test_single_chain() {
callback_called = false;
var chain = new promise_chain.PromiseChain();
var link_0_promise = new process.Promise();
* A PromiseGroup accepts a number of named promises, waits for each to
* complete (succeed, fail, timeout, cancel), then emits an event to signify
* that all accepted promises have completed.
* Names of promises are arbitrary but must be strings and must be unique
* across the set of all named promises a PromiseGroup accepts.
* When an individual promise completes, a PromiseGroup emits "one_done"
* passing the name of the promise, the outcome ('ok', 'fail', 'cancel', or
#!/usr/bin/env node
var promise_group = require("../promise_group"),
test = require("mjsunit"),
sys = require("sys");
var group = new promise_group.PromiseGroup();
test.assertTrue(group instanceof promise_group.PromiseGroup);
function test_single_pass() {
node> p=require('posix');
"Stats": [Function],
"close": [Function],
"closeSync": [Function],
"open": [Function],
"openSync": [Function],
"read": [Function],
"readSync": [Function],
"write": [Function],