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Last active December 10, 2015 10:18
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[root@centos62 ~]# cat tomcat.pp
$apache_tomcat_log = "/var/log/tomcat"
$apache_tomcat_log_mount = "/usr/local/tomcat/logs"
class apache_tomcat::log {
file { $apache_tomcat_log_mount:
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => $apache_tomcat_log,
# require => Class["apache_tomcat::config"]
include apache_tomcat::log
[root@centos62 ~]# puppet apply tomcat.pp
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
[root@centos62 ~]# puppet apply tomcat.pp
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.09 seconds
file { '/usr/local/tomcat/logs':
ensure => 'link',
ctime => 'Mon Dec 31 13:53:57 +0000 2012',
group => '0',
mode => '777',
mtime => 'Mon Dec 31 13:53:57 +0000 2012',
owner => '0',
target => '/var/log/tomcat',
type => 'link',
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