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Created March 30, 2021 20:13
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An attempt to provide a minimal reproduction of a threading-related JRuby problem

While working on I hit errors in production using a semi-experimental branch ( in a threaded XML-processing program.

The errors were the same NoMethodError: undefined method __jcreate_meta!' as in jruby/jruby#6160, and the program structure is almost identical save for some loading indirection thanks to the use of autoload.

I am running it in a CI-type environment where 20+ EC2 instances are spun up to process a large amount of data. Most, but not all, runs I'd have one instance's process crash with the error.

Creating an instance of the problem class (, EgClass in this reproduction case) on the main thread, rather than in the worker threads, has made the problem vanish entirely.

require 'java'
module TortuousExample
class EgClass
def self.setup
include java.lang.Comparable
attr_reader :val
def initialize(val)
@val = val
def compareTo(other)
val <=> other.val
require 'thread'
require 'pathname'
module TortuousExample
autoload :EgClass, ('../tortuous-example-autoload.rb').realpath
(1..8).map { {
sleep 0.5
print "."
puts ""
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