I got Torch + CUDA working on a Ubuntu 14.04 g2.2xlarge EC2 instance using these instructions. Get the latest CUDA install package by consulting https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads#linux and grabbing the most recent. (7.0 at time of writing).
I also made a public AMI with this, plus Dan Hon's char-rnn fork pre-installed.
It's ami-9bcadbab
, or dreaming-prose-public
, in the us-west-2
(Oregon) region. You should be able to copy it to another region if you need to. You can launch an instance in the EC2 console at this URL: https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-west-2#LaunchInstanceWizard:ami=ami-9bcadbab
You'll need a g2.2xlarge
or g2.8xlarge
instance or there'll be no CUDA for you...